
By cavis , 12 October 2018
Source Description
John Mooring acquires land in 1810

Research Notes of ...
(C. Avis Catalog entry #541)

John Mooring (who sold his land in Pitt Co., NC in 1809 to John House) in 1810, purchased land in Edgecombe where he was living in 1840; subsequently lived in Ala. until his death; m. 1809/10, prob. Edgecombe Co. N.C..  SUSANNAH (Staton), dau. of ARTHUR STATON and his wife CHARLOTTE LEWELLYN (Pitt deed R-360; Edgecombe deed 13 348; Ala. information from Thomas M. Taylor; letter from HAW to LaRue Evans)


[Need to find this purchase record]

Source Type