
By cavis , 12 October 2018
Source Description
Moorings come to Virginia

Early Virginia Immigrants, 1623-1666 (George Cable Greer)
(C. Avis Catalog entry #547)


Mooringe, John, 1652 by Tho. Greenwood, Isle of Wight County.

From the above it is seen that John Mooring first appeared in Virginia in 1652.  He returned to England and married there. (v. His Land Grant of 1687 in which he mentions the importation of his wife.)  He returned to Virgina ca. 1657 as he begins appearing on the Lists of Surry County Tithables in 1668.  To show a few of such:

    Surry County Tithables, 1668, John Moring
    Surry County Tithables, 1678, Mr. Moring    
    Surry County Tithables, 1682, Jno. Moring & Xto. Moring

The list of 1682 is very important as it is the first appearance of John Mooring's son, Christopher Mooring.  In Colonial Virginia all males were tithable when they reached the age of 16.  Therefore, we can place the birth date of Christopher Mooring as having been in the year 1666 and shortly after his father, John Mooring, came to Virginia for the second time.

Between 1667 and 1687, John Mooring imported fourteen persons to Virginia, including himself (two times).  Each person imported into the colony was worth fifty acres of land to the person who paid their passage.

Surry County, Virginia 
Patent Book 7, 1679-1689
p. 603

    To all, etc. whereas, etc., now know ye, Francis, Lord Howard. Gov., etc., with ye will & ye consent of ye Council of State accordingly give and grant unto Mr. John Mooring, six hundred & ninety seven acres of land lying in Surry County, begining at a saplin, River Jordans corner & running along his line of marked trees, South by West one hundred & twenty chains to Thomas Jordans line, thence along ye sd. line North eighty eight degrees West one hundred and sixteen chains to Thomas Jordans corner tree, thence North .... to Thomas Cibsons corner ... and is due by the importation of fourteen persons .... to have & to hold etc. dated ye 25th of October Ano. Domi. 1687.

    John Mooring 2, his wyfe, Charles & John White, John Isaac, Tho. Fisher, Jno. Giddings, Jno. Broomwood, Eliza Jennings, a negro, Andrew, Jno. Atwood, John Oneal, Thos. James.

Note:  The "2" after John Mooring's name means that he paid the cost of his transportation on two passages to Virginia.  He evidently returned to England twice after he first arrived in 1652. (q.v. ante).

    The above Charles & John White were probably brothers and Charles married a daughter of John and Jane Mooring (The name of John Mooring's "wyfe" was Jane as will be seen later.)

    The name of the daughter who married Charles White has not been determined but the fact that there was such a marriage is evident from the following:

Surry County, Virginia
Wills and Deeds, 1715-1730, Pt. 3
p. 800

        Will of John White

    .... to my brother, Wm. White, my wearing apparel and chest

    .... to my uncle, Xto. Mooring, all that account that is between us excepting money

    .... to my cozen, John Humphrey, son of my sister, Mary Humphrey, 30 schillings for learning

    .... to the next two of the eldest of my aforesaid sisters children .... for learning

    .... to my sister Elizabeth White, five pounds money

    .... to my brother, Walter White, my bridle & saddle. and my great coat

    .... to my cozen, Xto. Mooring, my Whole Duty of Man

    .... to Jane Mooring, my Common Prayer Book

    .... to my brother, Charles Whites three children, to each ...


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