
By cavis , 23 September 2018
Source Description
Christopher, John, Sarah Mooring deeds

Pitt Co., NC Deeds
(C. Avis Catalog entry #531)


D 49 

James Little of Dobbs to John Mooring, Sr. - land on north side of Tar River, being plantation purchased of Robert Flake by deed dated 8 Dec. 1760 - 7 Jan. 1767 


Wm. Bell, Abner Proctor, Isaac Little


D 140 

William Harris to John Mooring - land on north side of Tar River patented to Timothy Harris - 24 Nov. 1769 


Richard Evans, Thomas Cooper


F 113 

William Harris, Sr. "for the great love and regard I have for John Morning, Sr., Henry Barnhill & William Norcot", the one half to the sd John Morning, Sr., the one quarter to the sd Barnhill and the other quarter to the sdNorcot - a piece of land on north side of Tarr River opposite to John Holland's plantation Nov. 15 1774


P 104

William Mooring, Samuel Cherry, Benjamin Brown, John Williams, John Mooring and Christopher Mooring to Sarah Mooring, widow of John Mooring, decd., one negro boy aged 7 or 8 called Peter, one bay horse, seven head of cattle, three sows and pigs, eight shoats, two ewes, two feather beds & furniture, three weeding hoes & two plow hoes, six barrels of corn & one thousand weight of bacon & seven chairs for the consideration of one hundred pounds - 13 May 1801 


Josiah Carney

B.?. Martin 


P 143 

Christopher Mooring to John Mooring, all right, title and interest in land, or money arising from the sale of land, given to him in the last will and testament of his father John Mooring, decd. - 9 Aug 1801 


John Lewellin 

William Bowers 


P 328 

John Mooring and Benjamin Brown, executors of the last will and testament of John Mooring, deed., to Samuel Cherry for 1050 pounds, all the lands devised to be sold by said last will and testament, consisting of three plantations adj. lands of Richard Harris, Hood Harris, George Knox, Josiah Carney, Isaac Briley, William Davis and James Mooring - 10 Mar 1803 


J. Sheppard 

Joseph Jolley 


Source Type