Guardians and Orphans Court Records, Greene Co., TN 1783-1870 and 1830 Tax List (Houston, S. K.)
(C. Avis Catalog entry #36)
p. 6
1807 Page 217
Henry Sevier 11 years old 14th this instant
Hundley Sevier 6 years old 4th November 1806
Elizabeth Sevier 9 years old 10th this instant
Sally Sevier 4 years old 2nd November 1806
Narcissa Sevier 2 years old 30th this instant
Children of John Sevier are in a suffering situation and being totally unprovided for by their sad father.
It is ordered by the Court that the aforesaid children be bound to Henry Conway Senr., the males until they arrive at the age of 21 years and the females until they attain to the age of 18 years. The males to be taught to read, write and cypher to the end of the single rule of three and the females to be taught to read, write, knit, spin and sew. Each child to be furnished by the said Conway, when they arrive at age, a good horse, saddle and bridle, 2 gentil suits of wearing apparell.
(Col. John Sevier died in 1815 - was Governor at this time[sic - author confused this John with his uncle Gov. John Sevier]. His wife was Susanna Conway. They separated and she married Hugh Maloney.)