Amanda Patton married John Chiles in 1855
John Patton married Julia Anderson about 1831
Thomas Patton married Elizabeth Mitchell about 1800
Marriage records
- 862 - Marriage bond for John Patton and Julia Anderson - 1831
- 863 - Marriage bond for John Chiles and Amanda Patton - 1855
Death records
- 1147 - Will of Andrew Mitchall (father of Elizabeth Mitchell Patton) - 1784
- 1136 - Will of Thomas Patton - 1829
- 1137 - Inventory and sale of estate of Thomas Patton - 1830
- 1146 - John P. Patton guardian of James Patton - 1837
- 1140 - Will of Elizabeth Mitchell Patton - 1857
- 1145 - Death record of Sophia F. Patton Ambrose - 1893
- 1142 - Death Certificate of Lizzie Patton Swoope - 1930
Census records
- 1153 - Claibourne Anderson & family - 1810
- 1154 - Claibourne Anderson & family - 1820
- 1155 - Claibourne Anderson & family - 1840
- 11 - John P. Patton family; John L. Chiles and his mother - 1850
Land/Court records
- 1149 - Deed to Mary Mitchell, widow - 1784
- 1144 - Deeds relating the Patton and Mitchell families - 1817
- 1156 - Elizabeth Anderson gets a new trustee - 1852