Avis-related land acquisitions in Perry Co., IN
(C. Avis Catalog entry #872)
Records at Perry Co., IN courthouse
Book for Township 5S and Range 1 West
[all purchases were of 'U.S' land and therefore have no deeds recorded in Perry Co.. Possible records at U. S. Bureau of Land Management.]
[all entries have description of tract (location and acres) and certificate number. Only recording name and date below. This is the only page with an Avis, could be other Wheatley's and Jarboe's.]
James Avis - 6/9/1840, 5/13/1850, 10/18/1854
George Wheatley - 5/14/1838, 2/8/1834
James Jarboe - 8/5/1834, 3/27/1839, 10/27/1854
Benedict Jarboe - 6/3/1850
John Jarboe - 10/10/1854
William Jarboe - 5/9/1848, 10/8/1852, 10/10/1854, 10/18/1854