
By cavis , 28 December 2016
Source Description
Minnie Ola Avis and daughters 1940

1940 U. S. Census Wichita Co., TX
(C. Avis Catalog entry #811)

Wichita Falls City
Justice Prec. 1
Supervisor District #13
Enumerator District #243-17
Sheet 3A

Tenth Street
Number 1318  
Household #58
A non-farm home, owned, value 9000

Avis, Minnie Ola, Head, F, W, 75, widow, highest grade of education: 7, bp: WV, lived here on 4/1/1935, not employed or looking for work, unable to work, receives >$50 from non-work sources

Dunkelberg, Ruby, dau, F, W, 37, widow, highest grade of education: one yr college, bp: TX, lived in Ft. Wayne, IN on 4/1/1935 (not on a farm), not employed or looking for work, doing Home Housework, receives no income

Baum, Lillian, dau, F, W, 47, married, highest grade of education: one yr college, bp: TX, lived in Albany, GA on 4/1/1935 (not on a farm), not employed or looking for work, doing Home Housework, receives no income

Dunkelberg, Ralph, grandson,12, single, attends school, highest grade of education: 6, bp: IN, lived in Ft. Wayne, IN on 4/1/1935 (not on a farm)


Source Type