Obituary of Charles M. Rudd
(C. Avis Catalog entry #171)
(Document ID #480)
Temple Telegram
p. ?
Lieut. Charles Rudd Dead.
Like a thunderbolt out of a clear sky came the message yesterday at noon, telling of the tragic death of Charles Rudd, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Rudd, 316 South First street. In attempting to make a landing, near Stockton, in a cross country flight from San Fransisco to San Diego, Cal., at 7:30 in the evening before darkness interfered. The plan was entangled in a tree and the daring young aviator, whom all Temple knew and loved, was crushed to death. He was born and reared and was graduated from high school in this city and spent his vacations here during his college days, and when the country went to war, like his sires since the days of the revolution, he flew to her aid and chose as his work, the air service. It chills our hearts as we think of one so young, and active, and vigorous, and full of the promise of a splendid useful manhood to be taken suddenly, without warning, but, God knows best, and to his mother who loved him so dearly, to his father and sisters and other relatives, the sympathy of the citizens of Temple is extended in this sad hour of the passing of another of her heroic sons.