Obituary of Harold Martin Roberson
(C. Avis Catalog entry #738)
(Document ID #382c)
Harrold Martin Roberson, s[on] of Martin B. Roberson and No[ra]Roberson, was born Februa[ry] 25th 1905, and departed this li[fe] to be with the good, May 11th 1907.
Mr. Roberson is a success[ful] business man well known [in] Texas and New Mexico. Sis[ter] Roberson is a member of [?] Methodist church at Wichita Falls, Texas.
We would say to sorrow[ful?] ones weep not, for little Harr[old] has only exchanged this world for a better one. Our Heavenly father has just called him home to to dwell with Him in glory, where we can meet him; he is just waiting on the other shore for papa and mama, brother.and sister. Goodbye Harrold—we […