Obituary of Mattie Taylor
(C. Avis Catalog entry #746)
(Document ID #434a)
[Mattie Taylor was a half- or step-sister of Nora Herring Roberson]
Mrs. Jim J. Taylor Dies Early Friday
Mrs. Mattie Taylor, 65, of 1616 Harrison, long-time resident of Wichita Falls, died in a Wichita Falls hospital Friday morning about 6 o'clock.
She was the widow of the late Jim J. Taylor, who died in August, 1942.
Funeral services will be conducted from the Floral Heights Methodist Church Saturday at 2 p. m. with Rev. Paul C. Stephenson, pastor, and Rev. Finis Crutchfield, a former pastor, officiating. Pallbearers will be Leslie Humphrey, J. E. Handy, Henry Sonnamaker, J. H. Brotherton, Reed Taylor "and Robert Murrell. Interment will be at Petrolia Cemetery under direction of Hampton, Vaughan & Merkle.
Mrs. Taylor had resided in Wichita Falls 25 years. She came here from Clay County, where she had resided a quarter of a century.
Survivors include two daughters, Mrs. Leo LeBlanc, Wichita Falls; Mrs. Claire Shanks, Dallas; a son, Wylie Taylor, Wichita Falls; a sister, Mrs. Mark Roberson, Wichita Falls, and three brothers, Rufe Thompson, Pampa; Clark Thompson, Lubbock; F. S. Thompson, Clay County, and several nieces and nephews.