
By cavis , 18 June 2013
Source Description
Obituary of George Thompson

Obituary of George Thompson
(C. Avis Catalog entry #737)
(Document ID #382a)

[George Thompson was a step-son (or son) of Martha Jane Broyles Herring Thompson and step-brother of Nora Herring Roberson]

Meets Death In Accident

    The following obituary appeared in the Wichita Times Of Monday. George Thomson was a member of the "Uncle Billy" Thomson family, long time in the early days resident in the Riverland country. George went to the Klondike in 1898, and was there to give the glad hand to the Henrietta party that arrived two years later:
    G. W. Thomson, aged about 55, a step brother of Mrs. Mart Roberson, 2121 Ninth street, who has made his home here for about a year, was killed in the freight yards at Tucumcari, New Mexico Saturday night. Mr. Thomson, who was associated with Mr. Roberson in the cattle business, was accompanying a shipment of cattle from Fort Worth to Santa Rosa, New Mexico.
    No details concerning his death have been received further than that his body was found, cut in two on the railroad tracks in the yards at Tucumcari.
    The body was brought here arriving early Monday morning and the funeral was held from the residence of Mrs. Roberson, 2121 Ninth this afternoon at 1 o'clock, Rev F. F. Walters officiating. Burial was in Riverside cemetery.
     Mr. Thomson had been a resident of Devol, Okla., for a number of years. He was a member of the Christian Church. He leaves ten sisters and brothers as follows: B. F. Thomson, Brownwood, Texas; J. F. Thomson, Hastings, Okla.: Chas. Thomson, Devol, Okla.; J. H. Thomson, Mangum; C. G. Thomson, Devol; Mrs. Jesse Williams, Delta, Colo.; Mrs. R. B. Thomson, Pampa, Texas; Mrs. J. J. Taylor, Petrolia; F. S. Thomson,   Petolia;   F. B. Thomson, Archer City; and Mrs. Mart Roberson, Wichita Falls. All with the exception of Mrs. Jesse Williams and R. B. Thomson were here for the funeral. His mother, Mrs. M. J. Thomson of this city, also survives.

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