Obituary of Mary Avis Palmer
(C. Avis Catalog entry #421)
(Document ID #357)
Amarillo Globe
Amarillo, Texas
p. 1
Pioneer Plains Woman Is Dead
HEREFORD Nov 14 (Special) - Mrs. Mary B. Palmer resident of Deaf Smith County since the year Hereford came into existence, died at her home today.
She was 80 years old.
Mrs. Palmer was the widow of T. M. Palmer, prominent farmer, rancher, bank director and business man who died here in 1926.
She was a native Texan, having bean born July 16, 1863 at Montague, Texas, and was married Oct. 20, 1883 to Mr. Palmer at Montague.
They moved Deaf Smith County April 7, 1899, and Mr. Palmer and his brother filed on 16 sections of land about 7 1/2 miles north of here.
Mrs. Palmer, who was given a birthday party at her home here when she reached her 80th year, recalled that when she and Mr. Palmer came to this country, antelope were so plentiful and so tame that they licked the salt with the cattle.
Mrs. Palmer attended union church meetings which were held in the courthouse here. She was a member of the Presbyterian Church and the Order of the Eastern star.
She and Mr. Palmer for many years were consistent attendants at the Cowboys’ Reunion held at Canyon.
Moving from their farm to Hereford in 1906, Mr. Palmer entered the lumber business and had numerous other interests here and over Deaf Smith County
Mrs. Palmer is survived by a son, Walter L. Palmer of Wichita Falls, a daughter Mrs. E. H. Norton, of Hereford, and a grandson, Palmer Norton, with the U. S. Marines, stationed at New Orleans.
Arrangements for funeral services are pending the arrival of relatives.