Wichita Falls Record-News, October 2, 1935, p. 10
(C. Avis Catalog entry #726)
House Adjourns in Tribute To Wichitan
Special to The Record News
AUSTIN, Oct. 1 - Today's session of the state legislature was adjourned as a tribute to the memory of J. D. Avis of Wichita Falls, former representative from that district, who died last Sunday afternoon.
Resolutions of condolences were unanimously adopted, and were signed by every member of the house.
Funeral rites for J. D. Avis, 74, were conducted at the First Presbyterian church Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock with the pastor, Dr. George P. Horst officiating. Interment services in Riverside, directed by the Merkle Undertaking company, were conducted by the Wichita Falls Masonic lodge No. 635.
The church auditorium was filled to overflowing by friends of the pioneer ranchman and civic leader who had lived in Wichita Falls 50 years. Death occurred at the family home, 1318 Tenth, Sunday, after an illness of several months. Pallbearers were W. M. McGregor, Ed Howard, Frank Collier, W. U. McCutchen, Fred Weeks and Harry Weeks.
Survivors are the widow; three sons, F. P. Avis and J. D. Avis Jr., of Wichita Falls, and Jake Avis of Austin; four daughters, Mrs. W. U. McCutchen of Wichita Falls, Mrs. W. F. Weeks of Tyler and Mrs. Harry S. Baum of Atlanta, Ga., and Mrs. Ralph Dunkelberg of Fort Wayne, Ind.; a brother, F. M. Avis of California, and two sisters, Mrs. S. H. Hodges of Los Angeles, Calif., and Mrs. T. M. Palmer of Hereford.
Masons, representing the Scottish Rite bodies in Dallas who attended the services were Walter C. Temple, 33rd, acting sovereign grand inspector general of Texas; J. C. Jones, 33rd, secretary of the Dallas Scottish Rite bodies; Temple Houston Morrow, 33rd; Sam Marks, 33rd, and Frank Hamm, 33rd, K. C. C. H.