Obituary of James David Avis
(C. Avis Catalog entry #725)
Funeral services for J. D. Avis, 74, were held at 4 o'clock Tuesday afternoon from the First Presbyterian church with Dr. George P. Horst, pastor, officiating. Services at the grave were conducted by Wichita Falls Masonic lodge No. 635, A. F. & A. M. Burial directed by the Merkle Undertaking company, was in Riverside.
Pallbearers were W. M. McGregor, Ed Howard, Frank Collier, W. U. McCutchen, Fred Weeks and Harry Weeks.
Mr. Avis died at his home, 1318 Tenth street, late Sunday after an illness of several months. During his long residence here he had been know as a rancher, although he was connected with many civic affairs and belonged to several organizations.
He was the first white child born in Montague county. He moved to Wichita Falls in 1885 after being married to Miss Mineola Bush.
Survivors are the widow; three sons, F. P. Avis and J. D. Avis Jr., of Wichita Falls, and Jake Avis of Austin; four daughters, Mrs. W. U. McCutchen of Wichita Falls, Mrs. W. F. Weeks of Tyler and Mrs. Harry S. Baum of Atlanta, Ga., and Mrs. Ralph Dunkelberg of Fort Wayne, Ind.; a brother, F. M. Avis of California, and two sisters, Mrs. S. H. Hodges of Los Angeles, Calif., and Mrs. T. M. Palmer of Hereford.