Obituary of Gretchen Avis McCutchen
(C. Avis Catalog entry #254)
Mrs. W. U. McCutchen Succumbs to Illness
Mrs. Gretchen McCutchen, 36, a Wichitan since birth, died in a local hospital late Wednesday night after an illness of only two days.
Mrs. McCutchen, the wife of William U. McCutchen, assistant cashier and trust officer of the First National bank, became seriously ill Tuesday morning at the McCutchen home, 1917 Speedway, and a physician was called.
Wednesday morning she was taken to a hospital here, but her condition became rapidly worse. A Dallas brain specialist, Dr. D'Errico, was hurried to Wichita Falls, but she continued to sink rapidly, Wednesday night shortly after 10 o'clock she died of a brain hemorrhage.
Mr. McCutchen was with his wife when she died and numerous friends filled the lobby of the hospital after they had heard of Mrs. McCutchen's serious illness. Her two children, Jean, 12, and Billy, 7, were at home.
Mrs. McCutchen was born in Wichita Falls in 1900 to Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Avis. She continued to live in Wichita Falls after she was married to Mr. McCutchen, who went into the employ of the bank in 1917.
Her parents were among the pioneers of this part of Texas, having settled in Montague county in the latter part of the 19th century and moving to Wichita Falls soon after the city was begun. She was a member of the First Presbyterian church.
Funeral arrangements, in charge of Merkle Undertaking company, are incomplete. The mother, Mrs. Avis is in Fort Wayne, Ind., visiting, and other relatives live in distant parts of the United States. Services will be planned Thursday when word from relatives is received.
Survivors besides the immediated family and the mother include three sisters, Mrs. Fred Weeks of Tyler, Mrs. Harry Baum of Georgia and Mrs. Ralph Dunkleberg of Fort Wayne, Ind.; and three brothers, Jake Avis of Austin, and Piner and Dave Avis of Wichita Falls. The father died here less than a year ago.