Montague Cemetery
(C. Avis Catalog entry #154)
Location: Montague County, Texas
Double Marker:
David Avis - Father
born: January 14, 1817
died: February 16, 1868
M. C. White - Gone but not forgotten
born: May 6, 1841
died: May 5, 1925
Double Marker:
Belle Hodges
born: May 12, 1867
Samuel H. Hodges
born: June 27, 1851
died: May 28, 1924
May Dau. of
S. H. & M. B. Hodges
born: May 24, 1888
died: June 16, 1890
Tommy Avis
We had a little treasure once,
He was our joy and pride,
We loved him, ah.! perhaps too well,
For soon he slept and died.
son of J. D. & Minnie Avis
born: October 26, 1888
died: May 21, 1890
C. C. White
born: April 19, 1832
died: September 13, 1896
Annie S.
Wife of
F. M. Avis
born: July 24, 1865
died: May 7, 1925
She was a kind and
affectionate wife. A fond
mother, and a friend to all.
[This one was found nearby and is included only because
there exists a photo of a person with a similar name]
Rosa Brown Berry
born: Dec. 23, 1884
died: Sept. 24, 1913
Age 29 yrs.