
By cavis , 13 September 2012
Source Description
Letter from Mattie Mooring Hooker about family death dates

Letter from Aunt Mattie to Maggie Mooring Rudd

(C. Avis Catalog entry #310)

(Document ID #144)


Dear Maggie, SHIRO 3-9-1931

No doubt you think I am never going to write but haven't heard from Aunt Lew's girls yet. I guess they told you when I was sick that I had a stroke of paralysis. Well, that limb never did clear up and I don't get about very well. Nobody thought I would ever walk again. I am not able to do any work at all. So you see it goes pretty hard with me not to be able to do anything.

Egbert was home yesterday and is looking real well - has gained 14 lbs since January and Sam has fleshened up too.

I guess Fay, children pretty well take up your time and lots of company and pleasure to you.

  Aunt Minnie died  March 27 1915
  Uncle Pat         June 4 1896
  Aunt Ann          March 28 1913
  Uncle John        February 5 1925
  Althea            February 29 1917
  Jennie            November 22 1919
  Uncle Bob         November 15 1906
  Aunt Lew          October 15 1913

Maggie, I may have sent you some that you already have. I wish you would send me your Papa's then I will have them all.

Would be so glad for you to come to see me sometime. Will the girls be home this summer? Write me soon.


Aunt Mattie


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