Obituary of Dr. Charles Dwight Chiles
(C. Avis Catalog entry #21)
Birmingham Age-Herald
Dr. Chiles Dead
Burial Of Fairfield Physician Announced For Friday Afternoon
Funeral services for Dr. Charles D. Chiles, 33, prominent physician for the T. C. I. Co., who died at a local infirmary late Wednesday afternoon, will be held from his residence, 771 Parkway Drive, Fairfield, Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Burial will be in Elmwood Cemetery with Johns in charge. Mr. Chiles is survived by his wife.
Pall bearers will be as follows: Active, Dr. C. A. Greene, C. T. Phillips, Dr. V. D. Lee, R. W. Kirkland, C. C. Halcombe, Dr. R. T. Smith.
Honorary pall bearers: <53 names follow>