- Fay Rudd married Charles Dwight Chiles in 1919
- James Rudd married Margaret Gray Mooring in 1892
- Joseph Rudd married Rachel Caroline Maples in 1833
Birth and Marriage Records
- 276, 317 - Marriage of Florence Rudd - 1866
- 703 - Belated birth certificate for Fay Rudd
- 704 - James Rudd family vital records on back of calendar page
- 706 - Rudd vital records pages from address book of Maggie Mooring Rudd
- 707 - James Rudd and Maggie Mooring matrimony book
- 1009 - Marriage of James Rudd and Mary Helen Lowery - 1877
- 1289 - Marriage of Martha Alice Rudd and David Thompson - 1877
- 1313 - James and Magge Rudd honeymoon in Austin - 1892
- 761 - Engagement announcement for Charles Chiles and Fay Rudd
- 390, 391, 758 - Wedding of Charles Chiles and Fay Rudd - 1919
- 375 - Marriage certificate of Charles Chiles and Fay Rudd - 1919
- 1295 - Marriage record of Madge Rudd and Sam Moore - 1926
- 1003 - Marriage of Lowry P. Rudd (son of J. C. Rudd) - 1938
- 1004 - Divorce of Lowry P. Rudd - 1939
Land & Court Records
- 280 - Joseph R. Rudd subpoenaed in Monroe Co., Tennessee - 1834
- 274 - Joseph R. Rudd deeds in Monroe Co., Tennessee - 1834-1867
- 279 - More Joseph R. Rudd deeds in Monroe Co., Tennessee - 1843, 1858
- 1104 - Case invoving Joseph R. Rudd in Monroe Co., Tennessee - 1858
- 1169 - James Rudd lists family and property for tax exemption petition - 1878
- 988 - James Rudd acquires land and sells saloon in Lampasas Co., Texas - 1885, 1887
Census Records
- 285 - Joseph R. Rudd and family Monroe Co., Tennessee - 1840
- 286 - Joseph R. Rudd and family Monroe Co., Tennessee - 1850
- 287 - Joseph R. Rudd and family Monroe Co., Tennessee - 1860
- 283 - Joseph R. Rudd and family Whitfield Co., Georgia - 1870
- 284 - Joseph R. and Rachel Rudd Whitfield Co., Georgia - 1880
- 1170 - James C. Rudd family Franklin Co., Tennessee - 1880
- 1006 - Lowry P. Rudd serving in Philippine Islands - 1900
- 1159 - James Rudd family in Bell Co., Texas - 1900
- 1160 - James Rudd family in Bell Co., Texas - 1910
- 1039 - Maggie Rudd and Fay Chiles family Bell Co., Texas - 1930
- 1297 - Madge and Mildred Rudd in Spartanburg Co., South Carolina - 1930
- 812 - Maggie Rudd in home of daughter Fay Travis Co., Texas - 1940
Letters, articles & other notes
- 1312 - Joseph R. Rudd advertises - 1833
- 1083 - Abstracts of articles in the Athens Post, Athens, McMinn Co., Tennessee 1851-1861
- 472 - James C. Rudd Family Data from Fay Rudd Chiles
- 1308 - Charlie Rudd writes home from Rice Institute - 1917
- 1309 - Charlie Rudd writes home from Mather Field, California - 1917
- 1310 - Charlie Rudd writes home from Mather Field - 1919
- 1311 - Charlie Rudd writes home from ground school in Austin, Texas - 1918
- 1000 - Charles Maples Rudd describes harrowing aeroplane flight - 1919
- 127 - Letter from Fay Rudd Chiles with Rudd family information
- 392 - Chiles-Rudd wedding invitation
- 768 - Note by Peggy Chiles Collins with birthdate of Madge Rudd
- 705 - Letter from Mildred Ragsdale to Charles Avis about Rudd and Mooring families
- 995 - Fay Rudd promoted at Bessemer Steel Co.
- 996 - Fay Rudd graduates from C.I.A.
- 1296 - Announcement of marriage of Madge Rudd and Sam Moore - 1926
- 1162 - Article referring to Charles Maples Rudd playing football for Rice Institute - 1933
- 1105 - Letter from Fay Rudd Chiles to Edwina Lunsford about Rudd and Mooring families - 1973
Obituaries, Death & Estate Records
- 408 - Estate records of Rachel Maples Rudd - 1895
- 278, 384, 385, 711, 780 - Obituaries of Margaret Mooring Rudd - 1956
- 1152 - Death Certificate of Maggie Rudd - 1956
- 277 - Memorial for Maggie Rudd given at DAR - 1956
- 170, 335, 169 - Obituaries of James Calvin Rudd - 1921
- 1002 - Death record of Lowry Peter Rudd - 1952
- 701, 275, 1166, 1290, 1302 - Account of the crash that killed Charles M. Rudd - 1919
- 171, 994, 1163, 1164 - Obituaries of Charles M. Rudd - 1919
- 1167 - Death Certificate of Charles M. Rudd - 1919
- 1291 - Death Certificate of Martha Alice Rudd Thompson - 1935
- 710, 282 - Obituaries of Hilda Rudd McElhenney - 1977
- 683 - Death record of Hilda Rudd McElhenney - 1977
- 708, 709 - Obituaries of Thomas McElhenney
- 181, 318, 765 - Obituaries of Fay Rudd Chiles - 1980
- 463 - Obituary of Madge Rudd - 1992
- 712 - Maggie Rudd's notes on distribution of her estate - 1992
- 908, 710 - Obituaries of Hilda McElhenney Griffith - 2014
Military & Public Service
- 447 - J. R. Rudd service in General Assembly of Tennessee
- 919 - J. R. Rudd service in General Assembly of Tennessee
- 289 - Military service of J. R. Rudd
- 288 - Confederate Service Record - J. R. Rudd
- 925 - J. R. Rudd Confederate service
- 1048 - J. R. Rudd petition for post-Civil War presidential pardon
- 1078 - William H. Rudd prisoner of war parole oath - 1863
- 1005 - Service of Lowry P. Rudd in Spanish-American War - 1901
- 1077 - Widow of William H. Rudd pension application - 1919
- 989 - Selective Service registration card for Charlie Rudd - 1917
- 1306 - Charlie Rudd completes aeronautics ground school - 1918
- 1305 - Honorable Discharge & Enlistment Record for Charles Rudd - 1918
- 990 - Charlie Rudd military service card
- 693 - Charlie Rudd as pilot
- 1007 - Telegrams to family of Charlie Rudd - 1919
- 790 - War Department letter regarding death of Charles Rudd - 1919
- 674 - Condolences to family of Charlie Rudd from Commanding Officer - 1919
- 1307 - Letter from Lt. Col. Hartney regarding Charlie Rudd's death
- 1303 - U. S. Army memorial for Charles Rudd - 1919
- 1168 - Air Force files on Lt. Charles Rudd's crash - 1919
- 1171 - Report of Accident Review Board for Lt. Rudd's crash - 1919
- 1304 - Application For Adjusted Compensation by family of Charles Rudd
- 281 - Application for a Cross of Military Service for Charles M. Rudd - 1929
Oral History
- 22 - About the Rudd family by Fay Rudd Chiles
- 196 - About the Rudd family by Mildred Rudd Ragsdale
- 457 - Biography of James Calvin Rudd by Mildred Rudd Ragsdale
- 1266 - Rudd family notes from Hilda McElhenney Griffith
- 1005 - Service of Lowry P. Rudd in Spanish-American War - 1901