
By cavis , 9 July 2012
Source Description
Will of William Robertson

Maury Co., Tennessee Wills Book D 1826-1829
(C. Avis Catalog entry #621)

FamilySearch film 4776150, image 183

[p. ]306
William R. Robertson's Will
to wit
     Know all men by their Presents that I William R. Robertson of Maury County and State of Tennessee in my Perfect mind and memory this 5th day of July A.D. 1827 do Give and bequeath unto my wife Alcey Robertson and to my Children Blount, Caroline, William[,] Henry and Sharp Robertson my farm fifty acres of Land the buildings and appurtaniances theron with the with the house hold and kitchen furniture. I do also give & bequeath unto my wife Alsey Robertson Enough of the Present crop for one years support & my sorrell horse, two cows, two heifers an Pair of Guns one plow & two hors and one axe I do also Give & bequeath to my Oldest son Blount my saddle.  My will and meaning [is] that my Land should be for the Use of my wife & children during her life and then belong equally to my children. I do also appoint Wm. B. Pillow my executor to Transact and settle all business agreeably to this will & according to law - this I declare to be my Last will & testament In witness I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 5th day of July one thousand eight hundred & twenty seven.

Signed in presence of
Zebinia Cankey                                           Wm. R. Robertson
John Dickey     Jurat 
Thomas Sowery  Jurat

Source Type