Information on Bush family from A. W. "Jake" Avis ca. 1975
(C. Avis Catalog entry #75)
Before coming to Texas, the family had a small farm with slaves. Union soldiers came and took everything. The family got away under cover of darkness with a wagon.
Grandfather Bush died when a mule team ran under a tree and a branch broke his neck.
Louisa King Bush (Grandmother Bush) spent winters with Avis family afer her husband Isaac Bush died in 1901. Probably buried in Howe, Texas.
Jake's mother's father was killed. He was driving a team of mules on farm, when they bolted and ran under a tree breaking his neck.
Grandmother Bush lived in a small house after her husband was killed. Lived with daughter several months of each year.
Mineola Bush went to her mother's funeral in Farmington, Texas. Her mother lived there. Jake assumes that both of Mineola Bush's parents are buried there.
Mineola's brother Mike Bush shot a cowboy and went to jail.