Reynolds/Maples Family Cemetry, McMinn Co., TN
(C. Avis Catalog entry #107)
Transcriptions of the County Archives of Tenn., McMinn Co., Tombstone Inscriptions, vol, 2, part 2, p. 147
Dated 3/6/1939
The Isham Reynolds Family and Elizabeth Reynolds Maples Family Cemetery was established on Isham Reynolds farm as the burial ground for his sister Elizabeth, who married Wm. Maples. The farm is now owned by Alex Williams, Route #2, Englewood, Tennessee.
There are 11 or more unmarked graves. The cemetery is 4 miles West of Englewood on the road leading from Englewood to Athens-Etowah Pike or 8 miles S. E. of Athens via Etowah Road, onto Zion Hill Road to farm of Alex. Williams.
(Mason member)
W. J. Reynolds
Jan 15, 1828
Jan 18, 1878
D. D. Reynolds
Apr 20, 1833
June 28, 1900
In memory of
William Maples
Jan 29, 1785
May 25, 1858
Sacred to the memory of
Elizabeth Maples
March 20, 1783
Aug 16, 1854
Sacred to the Memory of
Eveline Maples
May 25, 1816
Sept 14, 1840