
By daveavis , 5 June 2012
Source Description
Extracts from Odell Cook Security Questionnaires

Extracts from Security Questionnaire's for Odell Cook
(C. Avis Catalog entry #476)

<NMN probably means 'No Middle Name''>

Personnel Security Questionnaire
United States Atomic Energy Commission

Cook, Odell Garrett
White, 5' 8", 185 lb., Brown eyes, Brown hair
birthdate:  Jan. 2, 1918
birthplace:  Scurry, Kaufman County, Texas, USA

5427 Collinwood, Ft. Worth, Texas - Mar. 1937 - May 1939
Rt. 2 Box 773, Ft. Worth, Texas - May 1939 to present

Draft board number:  none
Social Security Number:  
Military Serial No.:  38772257
Branch:  Army  7-10-45 to 1-25-47

Jennings Ave. Junior High - 1930-32
Paschal High - 1932-35

6-35 to 3-36 -- Unemployed
3-36 to 7-42 -- City of Ft. Worth Recreation Dept., Foreman Worth Hills Golf Course
7-42 to 7-45 -- Convair, Assembler
7-45 to 1-47 -- Army, Hon. Disc.
1(7?)-42 to present -- Consolidated - Vultee, Ft. Worth, Assembler

Mother - Ruby Garrett Cook  63  509 Alred, Monahans, Texas
Wife - Nina Lou Williams Cook 40 Rt. 2 Box 773, Ft. Worth, Texas
Father - Doc Cook (NMN)  deceased
Daughter - Tonisa Ann Cook  deceased
Daughter - Sandra Sue Cook 3 Rt. 2 Box 773, Ft. Worth, Texas
Daughter - Sammie Beth Cook 2 Rt. 2 Box 773, Ft. Worth, Texas
Brother - Paul Monroe Cook 39 1612 Miller, Ft. Worth, Texas
Brother - Louis Abner Cook 37 509 Alred, Monahans, Texas

Personnel Security Questionnaire

Odell G. Cook
born:  Jan 2 1918, Scurry
Social Security Number: 
Married, Male, White
Height:  5' 8",  Weight:  185 - Brown hair, brown eyes

Last school attended:  Paschal High, Ft. Worth (1932-35)

Military Service:
US Army - inducted - T/5  38772257  from 7-10-45 to 1-25-47
Local draft board:  None

1939 to 7-45:  Rt. 2 Box 773, Ft. Worth, Texas
7-10-45 to 1-25-47:  Military Ser.
1-25-47 to present:  Rt. 2 Box 773, Ft. Worth, Texas

Foriegn Countries Visited:
England, France, Germany, Austria  1-6-46 to 12-20-47
Purpose:  Military

Wife - Nina Williams Cook  Rt. 2 Box 773, Ft. Worth
Mother - Ruby Garrett Cook  c/o NMSB Alamo. N.M.
Father - Doc Cook (NMN)  deceased
Brother - Paul Monroe Cook  1612 Miller, Ft. Worth
Brother - Louis Abner Cook  c/o Cook's Garage, Monahans, Tex - 509 Alred

Assembler  Convair  Ft. Worth  7-42 to present
US Army (Reinstated CVAC Vet)  7-45 to 1-47
Foreman  City of Ft. W. - Worth Hills Golf Course  3-36 to 7-42

Frank McKee, Sr.  1076 W. Cannon, Ft. W    known 13 years
B. B. Snyder  Southwestern Casket Co., Ft. W.  10 years
K. K. Himes  2623 W. Loraine, Ft. W.   11 years

Source Type