
By cavis , 6 July 2012
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Obituary of Louisa Miner Bush

Obituary of Louise Miner King Bush
(C. Avis Catalog entry #98)

May 25, 1925  <added by hand>

At 7:20 o'clock Monday evening Mrs. Louisa Miner Bush departed this life after living to the unusual age of 91 years 4 months and 18 days at the Bush homestead at Farmington.  She was born in Pennsylvania, her parents being John S. and Charity King.  At the age of twelve years the family moved to Virginia.  One or two years after the close of Civil War she came to Texas with her husband, Isaac.  It will be remembered by many that Mr. Bush lost his life when his team ran away with him some 23 years ago.  Upon coming to Texas the Bush family located in Farmington where a family of eight children were reared.  The children are:  Mrs. H. C. McGlasson, of Fort Worth, Mrs. J. D. Avis, Wichita Falls, Mrs.  J. A. Hutchings, of Olney, Texas, Thos. G. Bush, of Granite Falls, Minn., Oscar R., Mike B. manager of the Telephone Co., here and Isaac B. with whom Mrs. Bush has made her home for the past 23 years.  One daughter is dead, Mrs. Ida Huggins.  In this family are 19 grandchildren, 15 great-grandchildren <changed by hand to 10 grandchildren>, and 1 greatgreatchild, the latter represents the fifth generation of Mrs. Bush's family.

When but a girl of 15 years Mrs. Bush united with the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, and had lived a beautiful life for these 76 years which is a record very few people are permitted to make.  She had been a continuous subscriber to the Christian Advocate, the official paper of the Methodist church since its first publication.  

Funeral services were conducted at the Farmington Baptist church by her pastor, Rev. Ben Bell, of the Methodist church here.  A large company of friends were present and a beautiful floral offering.  Expressed in a small way the esteem of her acquaintances for her and for her family.

Burial was in Hall cemetery.  Blackburn & Slaughter had charge of the funeral arrangements.

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