
By cavis , 25 August 2019
Source Description
Matilda Avis Jarboe family; Sarah Miller Avis family; Sarah Avis Wheatley family

1870 U. S. Census, Perry Co., IN
(C. Avis Catalog entry #977)

Perry County
Leopold Township

p. 10

Dwelling #75
Family #75
Avis, Sarah       f, w, 54, bp: IN, Keeping House,      re: 600, pe: 250
Avis, Jacob       m, w, 26, bp: IN, without occupation, Idiotic,    male over 21
Avis, Joseph      m, w, 23, bp: IN, Farmer,             cannot r/w, male over 21
Avis, Matilda J.  f, w, 22, bp: IN, without occupation, cannot r/w
Avis, George W.   m, w, 20, bp: IN, Farm Laborer,       attends school
Avis, Sarah G.    f, w, 18, bp: IN, without occupation
Avis, Francis J.  m, w, 16, bp: IN, Farm Laborer,       attends school

[Sarah is the widow of James Avis brother of Matilda Avis Jarboe]

Dwelling #76
Family #76

Jarboe, James     m, w, 60, bp: KY, Farmer,        cannot r/w, re: 2500, pe: 550, male over 21
Jarboe, Matilda   f, w, 58, bp: MD, Keeping House, cannot r/w
Jarboe, James     m, w, 17, bp: IN, Farm Laborer,  attends school
Jarboe, John      m, w, 15, bp: IN, Farm Laborer,  attends school
Little, Sarah     f, w, 18, bp: IN, Domestic Servant

p. 12

Dwelling #92
Family #92
Wheatley, Walter     m, w, 62, bp: IN, Farmer,             cannot r/w, re: 700, pe: 550, male over 21
Wheatley, Sarah J.   f, w, 62, bp: MD, Keeping House,      cannot r/w
Wheatley, David      m, w, 23, bp: IN, Farmer,                         re: 300, pe: 125, male over 21
Wheatley, James      m, w, 26, bp: IN, Farmer,             cannot w,                     male over 21
Wheatley, Matilda    f, w, 19, bp: IN, without occupation, attends school
Wheatley, John       m, w,  8, bp: IN, At Home,            attends school
Straal,   Casper     m, w, 85, bp: Switzerland, without occupation, father and mother of foreign birth, male over 21

[Sarah is the sister of James Avis and Matilda Jarboe]


Source Type