
By cavis , 23 August 2019
Source Description
Matilda Avis Jarboe family; Sarah Miller Avis family

1880 U. S. Census, Perry Co., IN
(C. Avis Catalog entry #976)

Perry County
Leopold Township

p. 12
Dwelling #105
Family #105
Jarboe, James, Jr.  m, w, 69,       married, bp: KY, fbp: MD, mbp: MD, Farmer
Jarboe, Matilda     f, w, 67, wife, married, bp: MD, fbp: MD, mbp: MD, Keeping House

p. 13
Dwelling #110 
Family #110
Avis, George W. m, w, 30,          married, bp: IN, fbp: MD, mbp: IN, Farmer,        cannot r/w
Avis, Deborah   f, w, 24, wife,    married, bp: IN, fbp: KY, mbp: KY, Keeping House, cannot r/w
Avis, James M.  m, w,  2, son,     single,  bp: IN, fbp: IN, mbp: IN
Avis, Sarah     f, w, 65, mother,  widow,   bp: IN, fbp: MD, mbp: MD, at Home
Avis, Jacob     m, w, 37, brother, single,  bp: IN, fbp: MD, mbp: IN, Nervousness and natural weakness, insane
Avis, Joseph    m, w, 34, brother, single,  bp: IN, fbp: MD, mbp: IN, Farm laborer
Avis, Matilda   f, w, 32, sister,  single,  bp: IN, fbp: MD, mbp: IN, at Home
Avis, Francis   m, w, 25, brother, single,  bp: IN, fbp: MD, mbp: IN, General Debility, insane

[Matilda Avis Jarboe is the sister of Sarah Miller Avis' deceased husband James]


Source Type