
By cavis , 23 August 2019
Source Description
Presley & Elizabeth Garrett deed

Deed Record Book A&B, Gibson Co., IN
(C. Avis Catalog entry #968)

    This Indenture made this fifteenth day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fourteen between Robert Anderson and his wife Jane Anderson of the County of Gibson Indiana Territory of the one part & Presly Garret of the County and Territory above mentioned of the other part.  Witnesseth That the said Robert Anderson and his wife Jane Anderson for and in consideration of the sum of five hundred Dollars to the said Robert and Jane Anderson on cash in hand paid by the said Presly Garret the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged and forever acquit - and discharge the said Presly Garret - his Heirs, Excrs, Admrs or Assigns have granted, bargained sold and confirmed unto the said Presley Garret his heirs and assigns a certain tract or parcel of land containing one hundred and sixty acres more or less situate, lying and being in the county and Territory above mentioned.  Being the north east quarter of lot or Section Number five of township number three South of the Base line in range number twelve.  With all and every of the appurtenances and advantages and unforonments[?] there belonging or in any wise appertaining.  To have and to hold the said tract on parcel of land with its appurtenances, unto the said Presley Garrett and his Heirs, Excrs, Admrs or Assigns forever.  and the said Robert Anderson and his wife Jane Anderson for themselves, their Heirs and assigns do covenant and agreee to and with the said Presley Garret his Heirs and Assigns that they the said Robert Anderson and his wife Jane Anderson the aforesaid tract of land to the said Presley Garret his Heirs and Assigns against the claim of all or persons whaterver do and will warrant and forever defend by these presents.  In witness whereof the said Robert Anderson & Jane Anderson have hereunto set their hands and seals this day and date above written.

Executed in presence of 
Test Thomas Montgomery JPGC
                                                            Robert Anderson      seal
                                                            Jane Anderson          seal




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