Mexican Land Grant to heirs of Wm. Hodge (official translation and transcription)
(C. Avis Catalog entry #955)
From the files in the Texas General Land Office in Austin, TX
Validated by the State of Coahuila and Texas for the Biennium of 1828 and 29
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Town of San Felipe de Austin, March 12, 1831.
To the agent of Empresario Stephen F. Austin, that he may be pleased to report on this petition, adding whether the land is vacant and outside the ten littoral leagues.
Honorable Commissioner:
[I,] Alexander Hodge, grandfather of the children of the deceased William Hodge, one of the colonists introduced by Empresario Austin, before you with the greatest respect say: That in the year of 1824 my son, the said deceased, came to this country with his family with the object of settling permanently. He died in the year 1828 without having acquired possession of his land, leaving his children at a very tender age, for which reason I apply to you so that you may be pleased to admit this petition and put me in possession of a league of land for the said minors, with the understanding that the league of land selected is situated on the right margin of the San Jacinto River and is the third league above the junction, and also that I offer to settle and cultivate said league for the aforesaid as well as to comply with the obligations prescribed by the same. Therefore, I ask that you may be pleased to do as I have set forth, wherein I shall receive favor.
Town of [San Felipe de] Austin, March 12, 1831
[s] Alexander Hodge
Honorable Commissioner:
The petitioner Alexander Hodge, grandfather of the children of the deceased William Hodge, shows in his petition the grounds on which he claims one league of land for the said children of the deceased. What he states about the time they emigrated to this country is true; and as their parents lost their lives by settling in a wilderness without resources, I consider it very just that their claim be admitted and that they be granted the league of land they request, which is vacant and outside the ten littoral leagues.
Town of [San Felipe de] Austin, March 13, 1831
Samuel M. Williams
In view of the statement by the agent, Citizen Samuel M. Williams, in the preceding report, I admit this petition in accordance with the law and order Surveyor E. R. Wightman to survey the designated land so that the corresponding title may be issued to the interested party.
Town of [San Felipe de] Austin, March 14, 1831.
Migl. Arciniega
Citizen MIGUEL ARCINIEGA, Commissioner appointed by the Supreme Government of this State to distribute and give possession of lands and issue titles to the new Colonists in the colonization enterprise of the Empresario, Citizen Stephen F. Austin, outside the ten littoral leagues of the Coast:
Whereas, the children of the deceased Wm. Hodge have been received as colonists in the colonization enterprise contracted with the Government of the State of Coahuila and Texas by Empresario Stephen F. Austin on June 4, 1825, as shown on page 1043 of this record book, and said children of said deceased having proved that they are orphans and finding in them the requisites prescribed by the State Colonization Law of March 24, 1825, in conformity with the aforesaid law and the instructions governing me dated September 4, 1827, and the additional article dated April 25 of last year, 1830, in the name of the State I concede, confer and put the aforementioned children of Wm. Hodge in real and personal possession of one league of land, which tract has been surveyed by surveyor Elias R. Wightman, previously appointed for that purpose, under the following situation and boundaries: situated on the right margin of one of the forks of the San Jacinto and known as League No. 3 above the junction; and from the upper corner of League No. 2 on said margin, which is a landmark 3 varas distant from a black oak bearing north 35° west, and another black oak 7 varas distant bears south 2° west, a line was run west 7,463 varas to a landmark, from which a blackjack bears north 17° east 18 varas distant and another blackjack bears south 9° west 10 varas distant; thence north 4,000 varas to another landmark, from which a post oak bears south 33° east 130 varas distant, and another tree of the same kind bears south 39° west 157 varas distant; thence east 5,237 varas to said river at a landmark 8 varas distant from a water oak bearing north 4° east and 9 varas distant from a hickory bearing south 14° west; and thence down the river with its meanders to the place of beginning, and it comprises one league of land in area.
Of this tract four twenty-fifths belongs to the class of arable land
Validated by the State of Coahuila and Texas for the Biennium of 1828 and 29
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and twenty-one twenty-fifths is pasture land, which serves as classification for the price they shall pay the State for it according to Article 22 of said law under the penalties therein established; they being notified that within one year they shall construct permanent landmarks at each corner of the tract and that they shall settle and cultivate it in conformity with the provisions of the law.
Therefore, exercising the authority vested in me by the same law and the consequent instructions, I issue the present instrument and order the testimonio taken from it and delivered to the interested parties so that they may possess and enjoy the tract, they, their children, heirs and successors, or whoever from them shall have cause or right. Given in the Town of San Felipe de Austin the 23rd day of the month of April, 1831, which I sign with assisting witnesses according to law.
Migl. Arcimega
Assisting [witness] Assisting [witness]
Robert Taylor Jr. C. C. Givens
[Rubric] [Rubric]
The testimonio was delivered April 24, 1831.
[filed in Texas General Land Office]
Alexander Hodge for Heirs of Wm. Hodge
Box 9
Folder 62