Obituary of Harold Martin Roberson
(C. Avis Catalog entry #741)
(Document ID #374c)
ROBERSON. — Baby Harold Martin Roberson went to live with God and the angels May 11, 1907, aged 2 years, 2 months and 10 days. He was the son of Martin B. and Nora Roberson. He appeared as a sunbeam and his voice rang merrily in the home for awhile, then the sunbeam vanished, and the sweet voice became silent forever. He had all loving care and medical attention, but in vain. The little spirit returned, to God who gave it, and never more will fever scorch his tender brow, or parch his infant lips, for in heaven there is up sickness, pain or death. Parents and loved ones, sorrow not; be thou faithful, and with your darling you shall be crowned in glory.