
By cavis , 15 September 2012
Source Description
Bible of the Franklin M. Avis family

Family Bible of Franklin M. and Sally Avis
(C. Avis Catalog entry # 668)

Background information for this Bible page provided in 2010 by Bob Gilbreath, husband of Zona Onita Avis grand-daughter of Franklin M. Avis, Sr. and Sally Ann Booth Rambo:

"Yes - Onita does have possession of her grandmother's Bible.  Her name was Sally Ann Booth Rambo Avis.  That one page is the only one that has any entries, and they appear to have been made all at one time or near the same time.
The Bible was in the museum in Hawthorne, NV.  It was in such poor condition that they decided to remove it from the display.  Since there were references to the Avis family in it they contacted the genealogy files in Salt Lake City and their records showed a Mormon family in Glendale, AZ was related to a Franklin Avis and contacted that lady who happened to be Onita's aunt.  She told them to ship the Bible to her and she would see that it would get to the rightful family.  We took possession of the Bible and reimbursed persons the cost of the shipping and now have the Bible.
We have a family picture of Grandmother Annie taken 1900 -1908.  The picture states that the group is the largest Bible group in Roswell, NM at the time.  I believe she probably purchased the Bible at this time.
The last birthday recorded in it was Franklin M. Avis, Jr. being 10 years old at that time in 1910.  They were living in Roswell, NM in 1917 when Franklin went into the Navy for WW I.  He spent 3 years in the Navy and when he got out they were living in Imperial, CA.  Around 1923 Annie left Franklin M. Avis, Sr. and moved to Seattle, WA and opened a boarding house.  That was short lived however as she became ill and passed away in 1925.  She was buried in Montague, TX in the family plot.  She passed away one week after Mahala Catherine Webb Avis passed away and was buried there (Montague)."


Married Aug. 29th 1886 married 24 years.  F. M. Avis
Mrs. C. C. White borned May 29th 1841.  70 years old
Mr. C. C. White    "  April 19th 1832.  78 years old
When died 64 years old. has been dead 14 years.
David Avis borned   Jan. 14th 1817.   93  "  old
When died 51 years old. has been dead 42 years.
Mr. F. M. Avis borned June 27th 1865.  45 years old.
Mrs. " "   "     "    July 24th 1865.  45   "    " .
Amanda Jella Avis borned Feb. 22 1888.  22  "    " .
Lawrence Cornelius Avis borned Dec. 17th 1892  17 years old
Catherine Avis borned Aug. 27th 1898.  12 years old.
Frank Marion Avis Jr. borned Nov. 5th 1900.  10 years old.



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