
By cavis , 23 September 2018
Source Description
Elizabeth Mooring is widow of William; John T. Mooring is son of John Mooring, dec'd

Pitt Co., NC Deed Book EE
(C. Avis Catalog entry #536)

Abstract of Deed Book EE, p. 279

To settle  multiple suits against "H. Mooring Executor of John Mooring Decd. and John T. Mooring Surviving partner of John Mooring & Son" James S. Clark, sheriff sells to highest bidder at public auction a 300-acre tract of land "on a part of which tract Elizabeth Mooring has had dower assigned her as the widdow of William Mooring Decd" for $1375.  Sale is "subject of the dower of Elizabeth Mooring".

John S. Evans
William Clark


Source Type