
By cavis , 12 July 2012
Source Description
Will of Alexander Hodge - 1836

Harris County, Texas Probate Book vol. A
(C. Avis Catalog entry #53) 


Recorded:  Probate Records Vol. A p. 36

Probate Court in Session 17th 
Apl. 1837

In persuance with the above summons, M. M. Battle, and Joseph Woods appeared and probate was made on the following will to the satisfaction of the Court.


Department of Brasos, Jurisdiction of Austin.

In the name of God Amen.

I, Alexander Hodge of the State of Jurisdiction as aforesaid being of strong, but low in body, and knowing the certainty of death and the uncertainty of life, have thought fit to make this my last will & testament, after committing my Body to the dust and commending my soul to God, I will unto each & every one of my children the lawful heirs of' my body, as follows (to wit)

Unto Alexander E. Hodge and James Hodge, I will and give unto unto them the League of Land wherein I reside to be laid out for James Hodge, to have upper half to the exception of one hundred acres to be laid out in the timber for James Pevehouse three hundred yards in weadth & the Perarie lying in the front thereof to the back or North line and unto Alexander E. Hodge I will & bequeath the lower half of sd. league with two negroes by name of Anne & Jim with all the stock, hogs, horses, farming utensils household & kitchen furniture, with all the money, debts, dues and obligations of any nature whatever, and unto Arche Hodge, I will and bequeath forty dollars, unto Ruth Harris I will and bequeath forty dollars, unto Lucinda Richardson I will & bequeath forty dollars, unto Polly Pevehouse I will and bequeath forty dollars.

I hereby enjoin it on my son, Alexander E. Hodge to take charge of and attend to the raising & education of the two girls, Polly Hodge and Ruth Hodge.

And I do hereby appoint my son, Alexander E. Hodge, my executor to this my last Will & testament, and that he will pay unto each and every one of my heirs, whose names are herein contained the sum of amount bequeathed unto them, and see that justice is done to all parties agreeable to my wishes.

Given under my my hand and own signature this the fourteenth day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty six.

Signed and executed in the presence of the subscribing witnesses, day & date as above. 

Alexander Hodge (Seal)

ATTEST: M. M. Battle 
Joseph Woods 
Squire Pevehouse. 


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