Beaufort Co., NC Deeds
(C. Avis Catalog entry #522)
Book 3
p. 278
Edward Bouding of Beaufort to John Moreing of same for Six pounds current money of Virginia, a parcel of land on the N. Side of Tarr River in Beaufort ... one hundred acres more of less, with all buildings, etc. - 1/14/1756
Witnesses: Wm. Gwaltney, James Mayo, Ben Mayo
p. 397
Abraham Pettypool of Beaufort in consideration of twenty pound proc: paid by John Mooring of the county aforesaid, a plantation tract of land on the North Side of Tarr River & on the North Side of Harris Mill run, ... 150 acres [originally patented] to William McHenry 4/20/1745 ... all fences, gardens, etc. 2/10/1758
Witnesses: Benj. Brown, Isaac Little, Saml Tudor