Cavaliers and Pioneers (Nugent, Nell Marion, 1974)
(C. Avis Catalog entry #514)
Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants 1623-1666
Volume 2
p. 314
Mr. John Mooring. 697 acres, Surry Co, 10/21/1687, p. 603. Beg. at River Jordan's cor., along Thomas Jordan; crossing Reedy Br., to Thomas Gibbon' cor., etc.
Transportation of 14 persons: John Mooring, 2; his wyfe, Charles & John White, John Isaac, Tho. Fisher, Jno. Giddins, Jno. Broomwood, Eliza. Jenings, Jno. Attwood, John Oneale, Tho. James; Andrew, a Negro.