Letter to Ross Mooring Hall from her mother on the death of C. G. Mooring
(C. Avis Catalog entry #485)
<from a transcription by Andrena Brunotte>
7-20-03 Temple
My Dear Ross,
I know you thought it strange you did not get a letter from us last
week, but on Sunday your Papa was sick, and I was not very well,
and kept putting off all day, and we had no one to go to the office.
Your Papa was not so seriously sick, the Dr. said the first day he
came, your Papa had heart trouble, but not bad, the next day he told
me that trouble was all gone, but gave him liver medicine not
calomel, he did not seem very sick, only when the med. made him
sick. He was up and dressed Wednesday all morning, but lay down
about 12. He ate breakfast with us at the table, and I thought he
was almost well, Tuesday morning I gave him fever med. to keep
off his fever at 5.30. The Dr. came about six, your Papa got up and
unfastened the screen, asked him why he came so early. The Dr.
said his cousin had been thrown out of his buggy, and was badly
hurt, and had sent for him, but he would be back to see if he had
missed his fever at 12. Your Papa told me all the Dr. had said to
him, said he could have all the lemonade, and mineral water, but no
fruit. I asked him what the Dr. said about ice water, said he did
not say. I said I am not going to give you so much ice water today,
but will go and make you a lemonade, but I did not get it, I heard a
noise and went back as quick as I could, found him lying on his
back breathing very hard, and loud, or making a noise, he was then
purple in his face with his eyes partly closed. I had only been out
a very short time, not five minutes. I called for help, put water on
his face, rubbed him, put whisky on his face & neck, did all I could.
Mr. Howard and Miss Bessie were the first to come to us, but all
was too late. He never knew anything, passed away, so soon and
easy, not one struggle, just quit breathing so quick, no one can
ever know how shocked I was not knowing there was the least
danger. He was so bright, said he had a good night. He was feeling
so much better, talked as cheerful as he ever did in his life, then
passed away so quick. How I wish I had not left him, how I wish
he could have spoken to me, but all is over, all passed. I feel his
loss so much, am so lonely without him, will always miss my own
loving man. Write to me at Mineral Wells, as I go there soon. I
guess I will have to go back to Mineral Wells Tuesday, to try to
settle up, one insurance man phoned me from Dallas to meet him
there Wednesday. Bert will go with me, Mama.