
By cavis , 16 October 2012
Source Description
Obituary of Charles Robert Avis

Obituary of Charles Robert Avis
(C. Avis Catalog entry #420)

Wichita Daily Times 3-28-1931, p. 10


    Funeral services will be held from the home of the parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Avis, 1318 Tenth street, Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock for their son, Charles Robert Avis, 33, who died in Long Beach, Calif., after a brief illness Wednesday.
    Mr. Avis was reared in Wicita Falls and moved to California five years ago.
    Services are to be in charge of Dr. George P. Horst, pastor ot the Floral Heights Presbyterian church.  Burial is to be in Riverside.  Arrangements will be made by the Mergle Undertaking company.
    Active pallbearers will be James M. Williams, James Barnard, W. W. Robertson, Rhea Howard, Harry Weeks and Dr. Everett Jones.
    Surviving in addition to the parents, who are pioneer residents here, are four sisters, Mrs. W. U. McCutchen and Mrs. W. F. Weeks of Wichita Falls, Mrs. Ralph Dunkelburg of Fort Wayne, Ind., and Mrs. Harry Baum of Charlotte N. C.; and three brothers, J. D. Jr., F. P. and Jake Avis, all of Wichita Falls.


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