Texas Supreme Court ruling on Avis court case
(C. Avis Catalog entry #415)
(Document ID #415)
Whether or not the Bank trustee can execute mineral leases on land belonging to trust estate. Trial court said yes, as did the appeals court.
J. D. Avis executed his will on 11/16/1931; died on 9/29/1935
His wife was Minnie Ola Avis
The property at the corner of ninth and Burnett in Wichita Falls is separate property having received it from his mother's estate.
The couple's seven children:
F. P. Avis
J. D. (Dave) Avis
A. W. (Jake) Avis
Mrs. W. F. Weeks
Mrs. H. S. Baum
Mrs. W. U McCutchen
Mrs. Ralph Dunkelberg
Inventory showed debts of over $24,000
This opinion written by Associate Justice J. H. Sharp of the Texas Supreme Court on 2/24/1943 and said no to the leasing.