1880 U.S. Census, Union County, ARK
(C. Avis Catalog entry #405)
E. D. 278
S. D. 31
p. 29
Date: 6-12-1880
County: Union
Community: El Dorado
Dwelling #231
Family #231
William Cook
Age: 27
Sex: Male
Color: White
Occupation: Farmer
Birthplace: Louisiana
Father born: South Carolina
Mother born: Georgia
Missouri Cook
Age: 25
Sex: Female
Color: White
Relationship to Head: Wife
Occupation: Keeping House
Birthplace: Georgia
Father born: Georgia
Mother born: Georgia
Adolphus Cook
Age: 7
Sex: Male
Color: White
Relationship to Head: Son
Birthplace: Louisiana
Father born: Louisiana
Mother born: Georgia
William Cook
Age: 5
Sex: Male
Color: White
Relationship to Head: Son
Birthplace: Louisiana
Father born: Louisiana
Mother born: Georgia
Eula Cook
Age: 3
Sex: Female
Color: White
Relationship to Head: Daughter
Birthplace: Louisiana
Father born: Louisiana
Mother born: Georgia
Salata Cook
Age: 9/12 (born in August)
Sex: Female
Color: White
Relationship to Head: Daughter
Birthplace: Louisiana
Father born: Louisiana
Mother born: Georgia
Scoot Mosely
Age: 17
Sex: Male
Color: Black
Relationship to Head: Servant
Occupation: Works on farm
Birthplace: Arkansas
Father born: Louisiana
Mother born: Georgia
Boujio Mathuas
Age: 59
Sex: Male
Color: White
Relationship to Head:
Birthplace: Arkansas
Father born: Arkansas
Mother born: Arkansas
Cannot read/write
Dwelling: 231
Family: 232
Frank Scroggins
Age: 25
Sex: Male
Color: Black
Occupation: Farmer
Birthplace: Arkansas
Father born:
Mother born:
Liza Scroggins
Age: 20
Sex: Female
Color: Mulatto
Relationship to Head: Wife
Occupation: Keeping House
Birthplace: Arkansas
Father born:
Mother born:
Walter Scroggins
Age: 2
Sex: Male
Color: Mulatto
Relationship to Head: Son
Birthplace: Arkansas
Father born:
Mother born:
Arthur T. Scroggins
Age: 3/12 (born in March)
Sex: Male
Color: Mulatto
Relationship to Head: Son
Birthplace: Arkansas
Father born:
Mother born:
Sarah Scroggins
Age: 58
Sex: Female
Color: Black
Relationship to Head: Mother
Occupation: Farm laborer
Birthplace: Arkansas
Father born:
Mother born:
Thomas Scroggins
Age: 21
Sex: Male
Color: Black
Relationship to Head: Brother
Occupation: Farm Laborer
Birthplace: Arkansas
Father born:
Mother born: