
By cavis , 29 September 2012
Source Description
Letter to J. D. Avis from Frank Wolff about midwest Avis family

Frank Wolff Letter to James David Avis 1911
(C. Avis Catalog entry #346)

    Frank M. Wolff
    Telephone 24
    Arcadia, Indiana                                   Aug 8th 1911

    "Dear Uncle" Jim
                Yours of June 30th reached me promptly -
    glad indeed to hear from you.  But sorry to learn you was driven
    almost Bug House (as you expressed it) by such a little thing as
    dry weather.  We have had so much of that article in this neck o'
    woods for so long- we have gotten used to it - its just been dry
    and Red Hot ever since the first day of May - with the exception
    of 4 or 5 days - today it is 90 in the shade and from that up to
    100 is about the pace it has kept up for four months and better.
    We had a fair wheat and oats crop.  Hay crop cut very short and
    corn is greatly damaged - garden truck burned up - no early pot-
    atoes - but we are very thankful its no worse - especially when
    we read of Kansas , Okla, parts of Neb and So. Dak.

    I rec. a letter from your Bro. Frank M. dated July 28th from Ros-
    well, N. Mex - saying he would likely winter there - he claims the
    summers there are fine - elevation 3600 ft - "Gee" but that would
    certainly be enjoyable to a sun scorched Hoosier - it makes me want
    to go there or some other cooler diggins.  My son Fred is visiting
    my youngest sister who lives in the Galatin Valley, Mont.. He left
    here June 19th and the greater part of the time has worn an overcoat
    every evening - he starts from there tomorrow (Wednesday) for the
    Yellowstone Nat'l Park for a week or ten days tour of that famous
    wonderland - and will return here the latter part of [unclear].

    Father Avis who is in fair [?] (for his age) contemplates making
    a trip to Dayton Ohio the latter part of the week or first of
    next to visit his only full sister Mrs. Lida Hunter, who is in
    feeble health.  Will likely be gone a week or ten days and then
    return back hence.

    My good wife (the woman you claim to have fell in love with) is a
    very busy individual.  She gave 30 treatments last week and 32 the
    week before and as fast as she discharges patients , others bob up
    to take their places.  She enjoys the work and certainly has been
    very successfull in making sick people well - in fact the great
    majority of her patients are the ones that the old line drug and pill
    doctors had given up as incureable - and her warmest friends are
    those that she has been instrumental in helping to health and strength,
    and everyone of them is a walking advertisement.  She is not a
    Christian Science Healer or a charm doctor - but uses the best
    methods in Osteopathy & Chiropractic.  She keeps herself well
    posted in all the new up to the minute methods in Drugless Healing -
    and they are the people that are coming the the front (in this 20th
    century) at a very rapid pace.  I don't wonder at your admiration
    for your new found neice - for I firmly and truly beleive she is
    (if not the best) surely one of the best and most loveable women
    in all this great big world.

    This leaves us all in fair health - the 3 grandchildren, the
    "Canton Kids" doing fine this hot weather - and growing sweeter
    every day.  I hope this may find yourself and family all OK -
    would be pleased to have you all pay us a visit in the no distant
    future - the latch string at the Wolff Inn is always out - a royal
    reception awaits you.  So come and welcome.  

    So in conclusion wishing you and yours health, happiness, and pro-
    perity.  With kindest regards, I am very truly your Nephew

                        Frank M. Wolff


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