
By cavis , 9 July 2012
Source Description
Shyrk Rubinson family in 1870

1870 U. S. Census Sebastian County, Arkansas
(C. Avis Catalog entry #316)

Page:  7-8 (stamped page number 151-152)

Date:  9/14/1870

State:  Arkansas
County:  Sebastian
Township:  Miss.

Dwelling Number:  51
Family Number:  51

Name:   Rubinson, Shyrk
Age:  47
Sex:  M
Color:  W
Occupation:  Farmer
Value of Personal Estate:  225
Birthplace:  Tennessee
Male U. S. citizen over 20
Male U. S. citizen over 20 whose right to vote is denied or abridged on other grounds than rebellion or other crime 

Name:   Rubinson, Elizabeth
Age:  24
Sex:  F
Color:  W
Occupation:  Keep House
Birthplace:  Tennessee

Name:   Rubinson, Laura
Age:  21
Sex:  F
Color:  W
Occupation:  At Home 
Birthplace:  Tennessee
Cannot read
Cannot write

Name:   Rubinson, William
Age:  16
Sex:  M
Color:  W
Occupation:  At Home
Birthplace:  Tennessee
Cannot read
Cannot write

Name:   Rubinson, Nancy
Age:  12
Sex:  F
Color:  W
Occupation:  At Home
Birthplace:  Tennessee
Cannot read
Cannot write

Name:   Rubinson, Martin
Age:  11
Sex:  M
Color:  W
Occupation:  At Home
Birthplace:  Texas
Attended school within year

Name:   Rubinson, Richard
Age:  8
Sex:  M
Color:  W
Occupation:  At Home
Birthplace:  Texas
Attended school within year

Name:   Rubinson, Fanny
Age:  3
Sex:  F
Color:  W
Occupation:  At Home
Birthplace:  Texas

Source Type