Transcriptions of Records of Perry Co., Ala
(C. Avis Catalog entry #293)
<transcriber unknown, Perry Co. is assumed from context>
Jan 6, 1868
Jessie B. Nave:
Decree of Lunacy
filed by George S. Nave
Jessie B. Nave aged about 76
Mar 9, 1868
Jessie B. Nave, dec'd Est of Letters
George S. Nave & Mary W. Nave
Made application for letters of Adm.
Dec 16, 1869
J. B. Nave Sr. deceased
Estate of Petition for Dower
Mary Nave as widow of Jessie B. Nave Sr., deceased
May 20, 1870
Jessie B. Nave dec'd. Mary Nave widow & relic of Jessie B. Nave.
Said decedents Estate & heirs at law as follows.
Althera Paterson wife of N. J. Patterson Giles Co., Tenn
Martha Torbett wife of H. A. Torbett Perry Co <maybe Lorbett>
Henry W. Nave & two children names unknown and wife Spencer.
John J. Nave - Jefferson
William J. Nave - Jefferson
George S. Nave - Perry
Jesse B. Nave Jr - Perry
Mary E. Nave - Perry
Edgar Nave - a minor & infant son of E. D. Nave dec'd of Jeff Co.
- Troup Co. Ga.
Oct 10 1871
Pet for 500 worth of land in insolvent estate
Nov 3 1871
App to sell lands to pay debts
Jan 13 1872
Decree of final settlement.
Jessie B. Nave Sr.
Justice of Peace
Clerk of Circuit Court
Probate Judge
Register in Chancery
Marriage Records
1st marriage of record in Perry Co.
Moses Brock to Elizabeth Nave ceremony performed by John Nave - first Justice of the Peace of Perry Co.