
By cavis , 22 September 2012
Source Description
Biography of James David Avis

The New Historical Encyclopedia of Texas (E. A. Davis, ed.)
(C. Avis Catalog entry #243)

p. 1158

James DAVID AVIS.  As one of the outstanding pioneer developers and ranchmen of North West Texas, Mr. James David Avis served his state and community for three score years with distinguished ability and foresight, both as to economic and industrial progress and social security and welfare. In 1885 Mr. Avis came to Wichita Falls, Texas, bought a fifty-five hundred acre ranch about nine miles out, and for a half of a century ran large herds of cattle on his ranch and took an influential part in the constructive growth of his city and Wichita County. Although he had partially retired some years before his death, he never lost his interest in ranching, or in the advancement of the rancher through improved ranching methods and better grade cattle, and was a staunch advocate of these matters. Mr. Avis was born at Montague, Texas, on the thirteenth day of August, 1861, and was a son of James Davis Avis, Sr., and Catherine Webb Avis. He was educated in the public schools of Montague, and after finishing established a drug store in Montague, and also engaged in the cattle business. He owned some thirteen hundred acres of land in Montague County, selling that, and his drug store in 1885, to come to Wichita County and establish his large ranch. For many years he ran one of the largest herds of cattle in the county, on his fifty-five hundred acre ranch, but with advancing years he sold all his land with the exception of five hundred acres, and reduced his herd to some five hundred head. Mr. Avis was married on the first day of March, 1885, to Miss Minnie Ola Bush, a native of West Virginia and daughter of Isaac Bush and Louisa King Bush, of that state, they moving to Texas and locating in Grayson County where they lived many years. Mr. and Mrs. Avis had eight children: F. Piner Avis, of Wichita Falls, who married Lena Matlock, they having one daughter, Camille Avis; James David Avis, III, who operates the ranch, and who married Allieda Neeley, they having four children, F. Piner, Helen, James David IV, and Martha Jane; Katie Lou, wife of W. F. Weeks, an attorney of Tyler, they having one daughter, Catherine Avis Weeks; Lillian Grace, wife of Harry Bourn, of Atlanta, Georgia; A. W. (Jake) Avis, of Austin, who married Gladys Robertson; Robert Avis, whose death occurred in 1931, in California; Gretchen, wife of W. N. McCutcheon who is connected with the First National Bank of Wichita Falls, they having two children, Jeane and Billy; and Ruby, wife of R. C. Dunkleburg, of Fort Wayne, Indiana, they having one child, Ralph, Jr. Mr. Avis was a thirty-third degree Mason, belonging to both York and Scottish Rites and the Shrine, was an Elk, and affiliated with various social and civic clubs and organizations. His hobby was Masonry. His church membership was in First Presbyterian Church. Since his death in August, 1935, Mrs. Avis has continued to reside at 1318 Tenth Street, their home for nearly a quarter of a century. Mr. Avis was that splendid type of citizenship who holds the admiration and esteem of all who know him, and his passing was a deeply felt loss.


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