
By cavis , 25 November 2023
Source Description
William Thompson registers to vote - 1868

Texas special voter's registration 1867-1869 - Grayson County
(C. Avis Catalog entry #1299)

FamilySearch (, > film 8504517 images 748,9

Grayson County
No.:  299
Date of Registry:  7/22/1867
Name:  William Thompson
Place of Residence:  Grayson County
Precinct:  6
Time of Residence - In State:  9 years
Time of Residence - In County:  9 years
Time of Residence - In Precinct:  9 years
Native:  Kentucky
Naturalized - How:  
Naturalized - When:  
Naturalized - Where:  
Signature of Elector:   Wm Thompson  [same hand as all other "signatures']
General Remarks:  

Source Type