Obituary of Mrs. M. C. White
(C. Avis Catalog entry #128)
Wichita Daily Times Wednesday May 6, 1925, p. 3
Mrs. M. C. White, aged 84, one of the real pioneer citizens of Wichita Falls, died at her home, 901 Burnett street, at 10:30 o'clock Tuesday night. Death was due to the infirmities of old age.
Mrs. White came to this city from Montague in 1887 or 1888. Her husband, M. C. White, purchased the Kemp Grocery Company, a wholesale grocery business, and remained in the mercantile business here until his death in 1896. Her first husband, David Avis, was a merchant in Montague before his death.
She was born on May 6, 1841, in Missouri, and moved to Montague early in life. After coming to Wichita Falls Mrs. White became a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, and was active in church work for many years. She had been in failing health of some time.
Surviving her are four children from her first marriage, J. D. Avis, of this city, F. M. Avis of Imperial Valley, Cal, Mrs. S. H. Hodges of Los Angeles and Mrs. Mary Palmer of Hereford, Texas. She is also survived by one sister, Mrs. Polly Boohaw, of Montague county, and a number of grandchildren.
The body will be taken to Montague, the old family home, for burial. Funeral services will be conducted from the Central Presbyterian Church here, with Dr. Nat F. Grafton officiating at 2:00 o'clock Thursday afternoon. The body will be shipped to Montague Friday morning. The body will be forwarded to Bowie over the Fort Worth & Denver railroad by the Moore Undertaking Company, and taken to Montague in a private conveyance.
Active pall-bearers for the funeral will be F. P., Dave, Jack and Robert Avis, and Houston Hodges, grandsons of Mrs. White, and W. U. McCutchen. Honorary pall-bearers will be Walter Palmer of Dallas, Lawrence C. Avis of Phoenix, Ariz. and Frank Avis Jr. of El Centro, Cal. three other grandsons who will not be able to attend the funeral.