Book of the Dead - An Alphabetical Arrangement of the dead buried in Cemeteries of Anderson County (Smith, Anderson)
(C. Avis Catalog entry #1235)
Second Edition, 1966
"The number following each name on the extreme right is the number given the cemetery in which the individual is buried - see back of volume."
"The husband and wife are listed together if the maiden name of the wife was not shown. In many cases the maiden name has been later ascertained but left in its original position. If the maiden name was given the entry appears: John Clayton Allen ... Husband of Annie Dean". Annie will appear under 'Dean'. If the wife or husband is not known to be deceased, or if no record was found of such death, the entry is as follows: Roy Clyde Allen-died ... age 71. Wife, Mary Turner."
"Many death and marriage dates were found in old Anderson papers. No cemetery marker was found for many of these and since the place of burial was not mentioned a question mark appears in place of a cemetery number."
p, 324
Mathias, Sr. 7-14-1749 (12-18-1828). Wife Frances Clarke 2-30-1752 (8-15-1820) Thought to be buried at Old Shiloah M. E. Cem. (111A)
Mathias 4-20-1822 (10-5-1965) [sic] (133)
Mathias 1-12-1785 (6-22-1871). Wife, Mary Tindall (133)
p. 388
TINDALL, Mrs. - died at age of 93. Wife of Mathias Richardson (133)
Cemetery 111A = Old Shiloah, Methodist
Cemetery 133 = Shiloah, Methodist