
By cavis , 20 August 2022
Source Description
Birth record for Louis, Paul and Odell Cook - 1914, 1916, 1918

Birth Register (Index to Birth Records), Kaufman County, Texas
(C. Avis Catalog entry #1203)

[It seems that only Odell had an original birth certificate.  The other two probably registered with an affidavit later in life.  Those affidavits can't be found among the available volumes - some aren't in any apparent order]

General index to births v. A-C, 1869-1973 film 8502909 

image 416
no page number
All handwritten

Year:  1914
Surname of Child:  Cook
Given Name of Child:  Paul Monroe
Given Name of Father:  P. H.
Maiden Name of Mother:  Ruby M. Garrett
Sex:  M
Race:  W
Date of Birth:  7/4/14
Post Office:  aff.
Reported By:  [blank]
Vol.:  1
Page:  264
  [cannot find this page among the volumes]


image 422
no page number
All handwritten

Year:  1916
Surname of Child:  Cook
Given Name of Child:  Louis Abner
Given Name of Father:  P. F.
Maiden Name of Mother:  Ruby Myrtle Cook
Sex:  M
Race:  W
Date of Birth:  6/15/16
Post Office:  - - - - [ones above say "Old Date Births" - do dashes mean 'ditto' or 'blank'?]
Reported By:  -  [ones above say "Affid" or "Affidavit" - does dash mean 'ditto' or 'blank'?]
Vol.:  6 
Page:  147 [struck-through, 575 added]
   [cannot find this page among the volumes]

image 426
no page number
All typed except where noted

Year:  1918
Surname of Child:  Cook
Given Name of Child:  Odell [the last 'l' looks like a '1' added later]
Given Name of Father:  Doc [a fourth letter has been blotted out]
Maiden Name of Mother:  Ruby Myrtle [the "Myrtle" is handwritten]
Sex:  M
Race:  W
Date of Birth:  1/2/1918
Post Office:  vol. 4, pg. 379 "Old Date Birth Cert." [handwritten]
Reported By:  J. F. Cauthen, M.D.
Vol.:  6 [struck-through, 4 handwritten]
Page:  18 [struck-through, 379 handwritten]

Source Type