1860 U. S. Census Grimes Co., Texas
(C. Avis Catalog entry #1061)
Grimes County, Texas
Western District
Post Office: Prairie Plains
p. 16
Dwelling 47
Family 47
L. S. Mooreing, 45, m, bp: NC, Farmer, re: 14000, pe: 12000
Sally ", 44, f, bp: NC
Susan ", 25, f, bp: NC
M. E. ", 22, f, bp: Ala
James S. ", 19, m, bp: Ala
Charles G. ", 15, m, bp: Texas, attends school
Nancy L. ", 11, f, bp: Texas, attends school
Sallie A. L. ", 9, f, bp: Texas, attends school
Sam D. ", 7, m, bp: Texas, attends school [should be Silvia D. (f)]
W. B. ", 4, f, bp: Texas, attends school [should be V.B.]
James B. ", 1, m, bp: Texas, twins [should be John]
Mary M. ", 1, f, bp: Texas, twins
Sallie F?. ", 15, f, bp: Texas, attends school
Mary P. ", 11, f, bp: Texas, attends school
David Griffin, 25, m, bp: Ala, Carpenter
Source Description
L. S. Mooring family Grimes Co., TX - 1860