
By cavis , 14 May 2020
Source Description
Eli Ross family and Charles G. Mooring family - 1870

1870 U. S. Census Walker Co., Texas
(C. Avis Catalog entry #1037)

p. 4
Precinct No. 5
Walker County, Texas
P. O. Huntsville

[last family with real estate value is #23, people in between likely living on and working the farms of those with real estate values]

Dwelling 31
Family 31
Ross, Eli F., 62, m, w, bp: Miss,  farmer, re: 5000, pe: 1000, male over 21
Ross, Ruth,   41, f, w, bp: AK,    Keeps House
Ross, Oscar,  20, m, w, bp: Texas, farm hand
Ross, Frank,  19, m, w, bp: Texas, farm hand
Ross, Mary,   17, f, w, bp: Texas, House Work
Ross, John,   15, m, w, bp: Texas, farm hand
Ross, Oscar,  46, m, w, bp: Miss., farm hand, pe: 150, male over 21

Dwelling 32
Family 32
Wade, David,       44, m, w, bp: Miss., farmer, male over 21
Polman, Abr,       21, m, b, bp: Texas, farm hand, male over 21, cannot r/w
Dickie, Louisa,    22, f, b, bp: Ala,   Domestic Svt., cannot r/w
Dickie, Bonell, 10/12, m, m, bp: Texas, born in Oct.

Dwelling 33
Family 33
Mooring, Chas,     21, m, w, bp: Texas, farmer, pe: 400, male over 21
Mooring, Fannie,   24, f, w, bp: Texas, Keeps House
Mooring, Maggie, 7/12, f, w, bp: Texas, born in Dec

[next family with real estate value is #37, people in between likely living on and working the farms of those with real estate values]

Source Type