The Schedule

When Dave and I found out we were having twins, we began researching how exactly you manage caring for twins, while still finding time for adequate amounts of sleep for yourselves here and there. The methods that made the most sense to us involved putting both twins on the same sleeping/waking/feeding schedule and keeping it that way. Sounds easy, right? Actually, it’s not hard. We met with our pediatrician a couple of months before the birth and discussed our scheduling ideas with her. She was very supportive and gave us some tips as well. Our schedule consists of a 3-hour feeding/sleeping cycle where we wake the twins up to eat every 3 hours round the clock. Our current schedule means feeding each of them at 5AM, 8AM, 11AM, 2PM, 5PM, 8PM, 11PM, and 2AM. After they eat, they have a diaper change, some awake time, and then back to sleep until the next feeding. All of the activities take an hour or so to complete, leaving 2 hours of time to clean up and prepare for the next cycle, as well as take care of personal activities such as sleeping, showering, eating, laundry, dishes, etc. One person can manage each cycle on their own, but it is much more efficient and more fun to have two people do each cycle together. This way each baby gets more personal attention and bonding time.  Following this schedule, our home is mostly peaceful and non-chaotic, and we are able to plan our days easily.

Once we had decided on a schedule that would work for us, we then purchased or were given almost all of the equipment we would need for support. We did remarkably well with selecting baby gear, considering that we had no idea what we were doing. We use almost everything we were given or bought. One area where we knew we were unprepared was feeding equipment. However, without knowing the birth status of the babies, we couldn’t really do anything about it. We were not sure if we would have tiny babies with feeding issues, so we could not buy a lot of feeding related items up front such as specific bottles or formula. We ended up buying a few bottles to get us by, while deciding to wait until after the birth to buy the rest.

Shortly after coming home from the hospital, Dave realized that we would need a system of bottles and a plan for washing them. He got to work doing research and calculations to determine what was needed in a 24 hour period to avoid spending all of our time washing, as washing cuts into our precious sleeping time. He figured out exactly what was needed, went and bought it, and set up a great system that is working wonderfully. We are very organized, methodical, and clean, while not spending a lot of time working on it.

My mom arrived on Tuesday evening of last week. She is staying with me for almost 3 weeks to get to know Audrey and Andrew and to help out with both the twins and the chores around the house. When she arrived on Tuesday night, I picked her up at the airport. Her flight was about 15 minutes late, so I sat in the baggage claim area of the airport and happily watched people coming and going around me. My mom soon arrived, we gathered her bags, and I spent the thirty-minute drive home telling her about our daily schedule. My mom is a person who very much enjoys a routine, so I knew she would fit right in to the system within a day or two. It has been so much fun watching her bond with her two new grandchildren. We have spent a lot of time together sitting in the nursery, each of us feeding an infant, and laughing over the multitude of sounds coming from both ends of them. This week we have been blessed with more alert babies who spend time checking out our faces after eating their many meals. My mom has been an incredibly helpful addition to the household while Dave is back at work this week.

As for Audrey and Andrew, they had another great week of growth and development. They went to the pediatrician on Wednesday and we learned that they are doing really well with their growth. Audrey had gained a pound in a week to tip the scales at 5 pounds, 13 ounces. Andrew was 7 pounds, 4 ounces. Both are happy, healthy, cute babies. Our doctor told me to keep right on doing whatever it is that we are doing at home because we are doing it exactly right. We got the ok from the pediatrician to begin taking them for walks in our new jogging stroller, which is a very exciting development indeed! We have been dying to use that new stroller for months!

Andrew managed to have both diaper rash and a growth spurt this week, which kept us all awake for most of the night on both Friday night and Saturday night as he took to exercising his right to high pitched shrieking to express his dissatisfaction with the situation at hand. We seem to have gotten it back under control, as we all managed a good 6 hours of sleep last night, with him sleeping peacefully in between feedings.

Also, for a quick update on Dave and me…Dave began his first school week of teaching this week after being off all summer. He will teach his physics classes all week and then will be on vacation for about 3 weeks to help out at home. As for me, I am doing really well. I’ve lost 40 pounds in the past 3 weeks and I feel great! I am very anxious to get the all clear to start exercising again. I absolutely cannot wait! I’ve begun taking short walks around the neighborhood with my dog on most days, which feels wonderful. I’m also managing to find small amounts of time during the day to drink coffee and read the newspaper, shower, read books, take naps, and enjoy snuggle time with my babies and pets. Time definitely has to be managed right now, but it is filled with so many enjoyable moments!

Here are some pictures of my mom with the twins, Andrew’s new alertness, Audrey’s freakishly long fingers, and Audrey sleeping peacefully.

There’s Always Time For Cuddles

We made it through a second week with Andrew and Audrey and all four of us lived to tell/scream about it, although the second week was not as smooth as we had hoped.

We started out the week with some visits from friends coming to meet the twins. One of these friends threw us a really fun couples’ shower in June. One of the activities at the shower was for the guests to dress up with fun props. They were given chalkboards to write their advice to us as parents and were photographed with their chalkboards. The shower host then made a really neat collage of all the pictures of our friends with their advice and put it in a frame. She brought it over to our house when they came to meet the twins. One of my favorite pieces of advice was “there is always time to cuddle.” This is great advice and something I am actually trying to take to heart, as I tend to be obsessive about getting things done instead of sitting and relaxing. Therefore, this week we instituted family cuddle time. This is where we all four spend time on the couch, watching TV or reading a book, holding babies, and just enjoying each other’s company. I love it. It is the highlight of the week.

We had the babies’ first pediatrician appointment also last week. This appointment went really well and we learned we are doing things the way we are supposed to be doing things, which is nice to hear when you are a new parent. We both really like the pediatrician we selected and are looking forward to working with her.

On Thursday of last week, Dave went back to work, and so I spent Thursday and Friday alone with the twins during the day. Both days went smoothly and I managed to keep up with the laundry, bottle washing, feeding, etc with no trouble. The activity felt good after being so physically limited towards the end of my pregnancy.

However, on Friday afternoon, after several days of feeling great and having no pain, I started to notice that I was having trouble getting up and down from the chair and was feeling some cramping. I didn’t think too much of it and just assumed that my body was still working on healing. A couple of hours later, I noticed I was fairly cold and I got under the covers in bed to try to warm up. About 2 hours of shivering later, I decided that perhaps I should take my temperature, and I discovered that it was 101F. I can’t remember the last time I had a fever, but it’s been probably 20 years or so. So, of course, this was beginning to be alarming. I called my doctor’s office. The on-call doctor returned my call right away and told me to head to the hospital where she would meet me. I proceeded to spend the next 3 nights in the hospital with an infection.

Dave deserves some kind of awesome Super Dad award, as he managed at home by himself with 10-day-old twins for 3 full nights! We have known all along that the time will come when I will go back to traveling for work and he will be home alone with the babies. We were NOT expecting it to happen 10 days in!

I am, thankfully, back home from the hospital and feeling great again. I was able to get some rest and come home to hit the ground running so that Dave can get prepared to start his school year.

Today starts week 3 with the twins and I’m very excited about it, as my mom arrives tonight. She will be meeting the twins for the first time and I can’t wait!

All in all, it’s been another great week. I’m looking forward to the next one!

Happy Birthday Babies!

Our first week with our new babies draws to an end tonight. Wow, what an amazing week of love, learning, patience, and wonder.

Our week started off with the birth of Audrey and Andrew via Cesarean section on Tuesday, Aug 6. Although a vaginal delivery was an option for us, I chose to proceed with the C section for a number of different reasons. While I had not, obviously, had a C section before, I have had abdominal surgery in the past and was familiar with what the recovery would be like. However, when we checked into the hospital on the day of the birth, I was almost overwhelmed with anxiety. Anxiety is something I hardly ever experience, as I do not typically worry about things a whole lot and I usually can handle a fairly significant amount of stress pretty well. I tried and tried to calm down and to talk myself through everything I knew about the procedure (which was quite a lot). But none of it worked. When the nurses came to get me to walk into the operating room, I felt true terror that I don’t remember ever feeling in my life. I can’t explain it. I absolutely couldn’t wait to meet the twins and learn their genders. I knew that everything would turn out fine. But I was completely overwhelmed with anxiety. I was shaking so hard and had such a large belly that they had a very hard time placing the spinal, which, of course, brought on even more anxiety. Finally it all worked and they brought Dave in to sit with me. Aside from my anxiety, the tone in the operating room was a lot of fun. There were about 20 people in the room and all were VERY excited about delivering twins with surprise genders. It was a festive and fun atmosphere that I wish I had been relaxed enough to enjoy.

Andrew David at 6 lb, 12 oz, was delivered at 2:08 PM, about 2 or 3 minutes after the surgery started. When they pulled him out, they all exclaimed over how big he was and then announced that they had just delivered a big baby BOY! My doctor held him over the curtain for me to see for a few seconds. He had a shock of black hair sticking up all over the place, which I thought was funny. Then they took him away for testing and cleanup and 1 minute later, at 2:09 PM, Audrey Elizabeth at 5 lb, 1 oz was delivered with a scream to pierce the eardrums. My doctor announced that she had delivered a little GIRL and my response was, “YES!!” Audrey did not stop SCREAMING at the top of her lungs for several minutes after that, which amused all of us.

Unfortunately, about this time, I started to go downhill and got quite shaky and sick. They gave me several medications to stop the shakes and vomiting, which caused my blood pressure to drop pretty low. I was sick for the next few hours and don’t remember much of it. Finally I started to feel better and they took me to a regular room in the hospital. The babies were brought to us and stayed with us right in the hospital room until the day we left the hospital.

The rest of the hospital stay, which totaled 3 days, is a bit of a blur to me. When I first looked at Andrew and Audrey in the operating room, I cannot say that I felt the overwhelming love that many people describe when they first see their child. I did feel relieved and happy that they were healthy and safe. Over the next several days after their birth, however, I began to bond with them and to absolutely love them both. I feel amazed by how much I truly enjoy being with them, even when they are screaming, shooting me with flying poo and vomit, and sometimes doing all of it at once. Their birth truly has been a thing of unexpected beauty. I feel honored and blessed to have been given this opportunity to be a parent to both of them. I have watched with a sense of amazement this past week at all the things that they’ve learned how to do already and that I’ve learned as well. I’ve learned about some giant well of patience that I did not know existed within me. And all of it has been a lot of fun.

I have been told repeatedly that I will have my hands full, that life will be crazy, etc. And, maybe in time it will. But since we’ve come home from the hospital, I’ve felt at peace and relaxed. Dave has been with me pretty much every minute through all of it and we’ve had some funny moments that we are already laughing at. We’ve had a really good time getting to know our children’s oddities, like Andrew who sneezes twice and then shouts afterwards, and Audrey, who has many great facial expressions and wrinkles her forehead and smiles craftily at you as she poops. She is turning out to be a feisty girl and I wouldn’t have it any other way!

If I had that much fun last week, I can’t wait to see what this week holds. Here are a couple of pictures of Andrew and Audrey from this week.


Andrew - left Audrey - right

Andrew – left
Audrey – right

Dave, Mandy, Andrew, Audrey leaving the hospital to go home for the first time

Dave, Mandy, Andrew, Audrey leaving the hospital to go home for the first time

Babies Sleeping


Summer Fun

“Oh bless your heart…you are pregnant in the summertime!” I’ve heard this many times this summer. “Bless your heart” was not a phrase that was used in my household or anywhere near where I grew up, so I’ve always found it a bit puzzling in its anatomical specificity. My own mother was more likely to say “suck it up and deal with it!”, and really, she had a valid point.

Anyway, no one should feel the need to bless my heart or any other body part that it is, in fact, summer, and I am, in fact, pregnant. I think being pregnant in the summer is great, IF one has to be pregnant at all. I have enjoyed my cotton sundresses, flip-flops, and bikinis even more this summer than usual. You know who else enjoys it? MY DOG. I have a large golden retriever, Abby, who has been with me for 6 ½ years now. She absolutely loves to swim. This summer I have spent a lot of time in my backyard pool with my dog paddling around me chasing toys. We can pass hours like this and it is a really enjoyable way to spend a summer. Here are some pictures of our summer fun.













Tart Pops

Dave and I happen to live where it is VERY HOT in the summer (which lasts for about 7 months). Strangely, we also both enjoy doing psychotic and not particularly intelligent things like going running in the middle of the day. Therefore, it is sometimes necessary to cool ourselves down after an act of heat related stupidity. One of our favorite ways to do this is by eating a popsicle in the pool.

Here’s an easy homemade popsicle recipe that I enjoy:


Raspberry Buttermilk Popsicles

1 cup fresh raspberries
¾ cup sour cream
¼ cup buttermilk
3 TBSP honey
1 TBSP lemon juice

1. Smash raspberries in a bowl with the back of a fork.
2. Add the rest of the ingredients and stir it all up.
3. Pour into popsicle molds.
4. Freeze for at least 4-6 hours
5. Eat!

1. These are tart popsicles. I really like tart things, so this doesn’t bother me. But, if you want them to be less tart, swap buttermilk for regular milk and double the honey.
2. I got my popsicle molds on for about $23 for 6 molds and the tray that holds them.



Any Questions?

When you are obviously pregnant and are out in public, people cannot resist asking you questions, telling birth stories, and providing unsolicited parenting advice. Most of this I find highly amusing. Here are some of the good ones:

1. Is your baby jumping in your belly when the airplane takes off?
I travel a lot for my job, so I find myself interacting with complete strangers in public quite a bit. This particular person proceeded to tell me about how her baby actually used its legs to JUMP inside her during takeoff because it was quite angry about flying and wanted to jump out. She was dead serious. My response was “wow…that’s incredible.” Because really, it is.

2. Do they actually rent cars to pregnant people?
You know, I never actually checked the terms and conditions of that rental agreement. Hmm.

3. Are you going to the prom pregnant like that?
I think this person was trying to make a joke because I look young. But I’m really not sure. I told him that no, I was probably going to skip it because the dress I wanted to wear is too tight now.

4. Will your twins be the same age?
I patiently answer yes and secretly wonder what exactly these people think twins actually are?

5. You are having girls because you are carrying them in the front of your body.
As opposed to the side of my body?

6. Will you use your nipples to breastfeed?
Um….well, that seems like the best idea I’ve come up with so far. Any other suggestions?

7. Are your twins natural?
No, they are SUPER natural!
Honestly, this question I find more shockingly rude than amusing. I think that because we are having twins, these people are trying to ask whether we’ve undergone fertility treatment. My answer usually is that I’m not comfortable discussing my sex life and the conception details of my children. Then I have to wait it out through the awkward pause that inevitably follows.

8. When is your due date? Today?
I’ve been getting this one lately since my belly is so big. I think these people are really fearful that I’m about to give birth in their store, restaurant, or gas station. It is kind of fun to give them a date several months away.

And, a quick update for those who want it:  the birth is scheduled for 37 weeks, on Aug 6, if it doesn’t happen on its own before that.  We do not know yet whether it will be a regular delivery or cesarean delivery.  We do not know the genders of the twins or whether they are fraternal or identical.  We also do not have names picked out and will be waiting until after the birth to name them.  We might have Kate and Will beat for being shrouded in birth mystery!


There are two things in life for which we are never fully prepared: twins

Preparing your home for a baby, or in our case, babies, is an interesting process for a first time parent. During our preparation work, I have had flashbacks to my senior chemical engineering design project. A team of four of us spent two semesters researching and designing a chemical plant, calculating the economic feasibility of the plant we designed, and then preparing to pitch the entire thing to a room full of experts with actual industry experience. Following that, we wrote a 300 page report of our work. Throughout all of it, we had no idea what we were actually doing and whether or not it would work.  In this case, the team consists of the two of us, over 8 months, researching products and products and more products, figuring out how to afford them, designing rooms around the products, and then preparing to pitch the entire thing to two infants. The first year of their life will be the 300 page report. Let’s hope we can squeak by with a C!

I thought it would be fun to write a post about some of the products that we are most excited about using when our twins are here in a few weeks. A year from now, I may look back on this post and laugh at how silly I was for thinking those things would EVER be useful. But, here are five of our favorites so far:

Double infant car seat stroller: 

Double Infant Car Seat stroller

We found this Joovy Twin Roo double infant car seat stroller that is a new product on the market. It has a pretty neat design, in that the infants both face sideways instead of towards the front bar. It also has a low cup holder so that you don’t spill your Irish coffee all over your kiddos.

Double jogging stroller: 

Double Jogging Stroller

We won’t be able to use this BOB Stroller Strides FItness Duallie for several months, but we are both very excited about it, as it will allow us to continue our outdoorsy lifestyle with the twins and should make a pretty nice cover to hide behind when we have to whizz in the woods.



These adorable Fisher Price My Little Lamb sleepers can be easily moved throughout the house. The twins can sleep in them anywhere, and they will rock!

Twin nursing pillow:

Twin Nursing Pillow

The My Brest Friend Twins Plus pillow is designed to nurse the little suckers at the same time, which sounds like my kind of feat: challenging, somewhat unbelievable, strangely amusing, and efficient!

Cloth diapers:

Cloth Diapers

Yep, that’s what I said. We are using cloth BumGenius Elemental and BumGenius 4.0 cloth diapers, as well as some used Fuzzibunz that we got from some awesome friends of ours. We are washing the diapers ourselves because I love poop stories and wanted to ensure that we have a large arsenal of them to fling at unsuspecting childless folks (the stories I mean).  At first, we should be managing the cleaning of approximately 180 diapers/week.  Being an engineer, I’m sure that I will feel the need to calculate the exact amount of poop we process.  It might be useful information for an Amazon review of our washing machine or just a helpful nugget to drop into a casual conversation with those random strangers who like to approach me in the grocery store.

All puns intended.

Watch Me

I recently read a blog post that was written by a woman about her mother. It was titled When Your Mother Says She’s Fat and was about a mother who believed that she was “fat, ugly, and horrible.” The daughter went on to describe how it made her feel when her mother said these things about herself and how because of this example in her life, she carried on with her own insecurities about herself.

I found this writer’s story kind of surprising because it is so completely opposite of the life experience I have had with my own mother. Let me start by saying that my mom is TOUGH. She is not tough in a rough, biker chick sort of way. She is tough in that when she sets her mind on something, she radiates pure strength from start to finish. No whining, no complaining. Just suck it up and do it. And, of course, she makes things look easy in the process.

When I was two years old, my mom decided to go back to school to finish her college degree. She went to meet with an advisor, whose advice was that there was no way she could manage the difficult curriculum with a two year old at home. Her response? “WATCH ME.” She successfully completed it two years later to earn her bachelors degree with honors.

Throughout my childhood and teenage years, I watched her begin and maintain a successful career in microbiology, start running, qualify for and run the Boston Marathon, take ballroom dancing lessons, learn to play the hammered dulcimer with no prior musical background, and ride the MS150. She went caving, hiking, backpacking, biking, and traveling. She was stubborn, independent, and strong. Sometimes she had a bit of anxiety about trying something new, but it never stopped her from succeeding. I don’t remember her ever truly doubting herself.

The confidence that she exudes has been priceless for me and has shaped me into who I am today. There have been many people at different times in my life who have doubted my abilities, who have told me I am crazy or I couldn’t or shouldn’t do something because it would be too difficult. Sometimes those voices have been painfully discouraging. But, always, at the back of my mind is the little voice, HER voice, saying WATCH ME. I listen to it, and it doesn’t ever let me down. I accomplish the things I want to accomplish.

Being a role model of self-confidence is one of the best gifts a mother can give to her child. I am so thankful that I have had this example in my life. As I am about to embark on my own journey of motherhood, I hope that I will be strong enough to follow her lead. She set the bar pretty high. But I would love nothing more than to give my children their own version of WATCH ME to sustain them with confidence and encouragement throughout their many endeavors in life.

Dave’s Birthday Party

Ever since I was a kid, I’ve always been jealous of those with summer birthdays. My birthday falls on January 10, which is about 3 weeks after Christmas, right after the start of New Years’ resolutions, and, at least when I was growing up in Pennsylvania, the dead of winter. Summer birthdays always meant great fun with pool parties, ice cream cake, and staying up late because there was not school the next day.

So, we try to take advantage of Dave’s June 30 birthday by doing something fun every year. One year we took a trip to Colorado and did some hiking, brewery touring/tasting, and sightseeing. Since we’ve been in our current house, we’ve thrown a party the last couple of summers.

This year, Dave wanted a double-tap kegerator for his birthday. I did quite a bit of research online and found the kegerator that I thought would work best and I ordered it. It arrived and he got it set up with a few days to spare before the party. One of the taps works with a commercial style keg (any beer you would normally drink on tap at a bar), and one of the taps works with a homebrew keg. Dave does some homebrewing, so this will work great, as it is much easier to keg than bottle brewed beer and it keeps the beer nice and cold without taking up space in the refrigerator. He went and picked up a keg of St. Arnold’s Weedwacker, which is one of our favorite local brews, and got everything ready to go.

Kegerator w/St. Arnolds Weedwacker beer

Kegerator w/St. Arnolds Weedwacker beer

It was necessary this year to minimize the amount of work that I had to do for the party as my energy level is pretty limited right now, so we selected easy foods such as chips and salsa, grilled hamburgers and hot dogs, some fruit, and of course homemade birthday cakes. I baked the cakes, set the stuff out, and then decided to just relax and let everyone fend for themselves for the rest of the night. This was not easy for me to do, as I have a hard time sitting still at my own house. Even when home alone, my mind is usually racing with tasks I should accomplish. It gets worse when people are over and I tend to mentally obsess over things like refilling food and drinks, getting more chairs, music, toilet paper in the bathroom, and on and on. I made a conscious decision NOT to let myself do it, found a pool float, and spent most of the night in the pool.

Where I spent most of the party

Where I spent most of the party

And guess what? It all worked itself out just fine. We have some wonderful friends who took charge of getting condiments out, cutting up tomatoes and onion, and serving the cakes. Dave did a great job with the grilling and serving, and everyone got up and got their own drink when they wanted refills. It was a good learning experience for me to just relax and let things be and let other people help me. I had a great time, probably even more so than any other party we’ve had, which I didn’t expect at 32 weeks pregnant!

Birthday Cards Pic

Birthday cards

Dave had a truly enjoyable birthday celebration, and we are very grateful to the wonderful friends, neighbors, kids, and dogs who came to have fun with us!

Dave got some great looking growlers full of beer as a birthday gift from some of our friends.

One of Dave's awesome birthday gifts

One of Dave’s awesome birthday gifts

He also got some dog bandanas from our niece, Rachel, who made them herself! Impressive!

Our dogs modeling their new bandanas

Our dogs modeling their new bandanas

A Peanut Butter Romance Fail

I have always had an unwavering love for peanut butter. I like all kinds of peanut butter: crunchy, creamy, organic grind your own peanuts kind of PB, JIF, Skippy, etc. I love it all. At some point in my single, dating life, I made a list of qualities I was looking for in a man. I wanted someone kind, smart, possessing of a sense of humor, and, hopefully, a peanut butter enthusiast. It seemed, in my mind, that if this man and I could share in common a sense of peanut butter passion and recipes naturally derived from such passion, then what misfortune couldn’t we face as a couple? 

Tragically, my husband is allergic to peanuts. Three out of four ain’t bad I guess…

Here is a recipe that I made this morning that I absolutely love:

Peanut Butter and Honey Muffins

Peanut Butter and Honey Muffins

Peanut Butter & Honey Muffins
Makes 6 muffins

1 cup flour
1-1/2 TSP baking powder
Pinch of salt
3 TBSP peanut butter (crunchy or smooth)
2 TBSP oil
3 TBSP honey (or agave nectar)
¾ cup milk (almond milk, soy milk, etc works fine too)
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease muffin pan.
2. Whisk the flour, baking powder, and salt together.
3. Add the peanut butter and oil and mix with fork until crumbs form.
4. Add the milk and honey and mix until just combined. Do not beat.
5. Pour into muffin tins and bake for 15-17 minutes or until done.

Recipe Notes:
1. I added a few chocolate chips to the top of the muffins after I had the batter poured into the tin.

Random side note:  I enjoy baking things from scratch.  Normally my only goals are that my baked goods be edible and enjoyable to eat.  I’m a chemical engineer, not a chef, so I don’t really place much value on baked goods aesthetics or spend time attempting to make beautiful food creations. So, when you see pictures that I’ve taken of my baked goods, they probably won’t be pretty!