Cats and Ladders

Vince is quite a helpful cat.  Whenever you start doing something, he just has an instinctual drive to help.  But, like any good micromanager, he has to be right in the middle of whatever it is you are doing.

A couple of summers ago I was climbing up the rickety pull-down ladder to our attic when I heard a curious scratching sound behind me.  Sure enough, Vince was climbing the ladder right behind me.  I had no idea he could climb a ladder, especially since he’s not the most graceful cat around.  He’s built more for lounging on a pillow by a throne than being a silent, resourceful hunter.  Now I have to shut him in a bedroom whenever I need to go up into the attic.

Vince’s Attic Adventure

This past week, we’ve been painting our living room.  Well, let’s be honest, we’ve been lounging around reading the paper and drinking coffee while a couple of guys removed lots of interesting wallpaper, repaired the walls, textured the walls, and painted the walls and ceiling.  It’s taken them a week to do, so far, so I think I would have finished it around the time the twins graduate college.  I’ll leave you in suspense and post painting pictures once the job is done.  Anyway, whenever the painters would leave for more than a few minutes, Vince would start exploring and checking on their work.  Imagine his delight at finding both a ladder and scaffolding in his own living room!  He quickly made his way up the ladder, lept to the scaffolding  and was eyeing the upper window sills when I had to end his inspection tour.

A Quick Scamper Up

Fingers Crossed

A Magestic Leap!

A Mighty Roar of Triumph!

2 thoughts on “Cats and Ladders

  1. This post is purfff-ect. Is that the sound cats make? I don’t know because: A. my wife is allergic and B. I’m tired of all animals that are not bacon.

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